Nation Bulletin

The Dino Nugget Invasion

Episode 7

By Unga Blunga Studios
07/28/2023 06:43 pm
Updated: 07/28/2023 06:43 pm

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The DIno Nugget Invasion

Episode 6



Bob and his platoon mates get ready for a hard day of training. The Dino Nuggets, are doing the same


Episode 6

Bob and his platoon mates finish streching, and begin their hard training. They learn how to shoot snipers, pistols, and guns in general. They learn how to stab, by stabbing dummies, they learn how to use explosives, so they can blow us their enemy.


They train for hours and hours, before it is lunch time. While Bob is eating lunch, he thinks. He thinks hard.

"What about my mom? My dad? Are they okay?" Thought Bob.

"Finish up! Lunch is about to end!" Yells the general.


Everyone finishes up and goes back into training. They train the same stuff. Hours and hours and hours of training, before, it is time to sleep....



At Stonehenge.


The Dino Nuggets have started their training as well, They begin biting trees, to practice biting power, they begin clawing trees. They do this for hours and hours. 


Then, break time. The ship had female Dino Nuggies so during break time, some Dino Nuggies went to the female and... well... ummm.... did the naughty? Anyways. After breaktime, it was the same, hard training, until the day was over.

"Sehr gute Jungs! Wir werden sie vernichten!" said the General.

The Dino Nuggies then went to sleep, for tomorrow, they will need plenty of rest. Because they... will launch an unexpected attack, on the humans...



Episode 8 & 9 coming tomorrow!



Posted July 28, 2023 at 9:25 am


Posted July 29, 2023 at 1:19 am

... o_O
