Nation Bulletin

The Dino Nugget Invasion

Episode 6

By Unga Blunga Studios
07/28/2023 02:26 pm
Updated: 07/28/2023 02:26 pm

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The Dino Nugget Invasion

Episode 6



Bob arrives at the training ground, and goes to bed. The Dino Nuggets defeated the Human Army at the battle of Stonehenge...


Episode 5

Bob is awoken by General Skittle yelling for everyone to wake up. Everybody stands up quickly, while Bob is last.

General Skittle walks up to him...

"Private Bob! Why so slow!? Don't tell me your so lazy you can't get up!" yells the General

"No sir!" Bob says back

The general returns to the front of the barrack, and begins to speak....


"Every single man here, will go through 2 days of training, in those 2 days, you will learn all you need about defending yourself, and others. Starting today. Now hurry up and head to the training ground!" Yells the General.

All the soldiers, including Bob, quickly go into a 3 by 18 formation, and march to the Training Ground.

Once they reach there, Lieutenant Winston Gray, is there to greet them. The platoon goes into a 2 by 27.

"Today! All of you will learn the basics! And of course go through training drllls, obstacle courses, and basic training!" Said Lt Winston.

"We'll start with exercise! Stretch them muscles!" Yelled the Lieutenant....





The German Dino Nuggets wake up and get ready for tomorrow, a battle of a life time. They quickly go into training and practice biting trees. The Leader Nugget is there, observing....

"Gute Arbeit, Hanz! Otto Mach weiter so!" Said the Leader.

The Leader than ordered everyone to surround him, as he was gonna speak....


"Morgen.... Wir werden gegen die Menschen kämpfen! Wir werden ihnen zeigen, dass wir viel stärker sind. Sie werden dem Zorn der DINO-NUGGETS ausgesetzt sein!!" Yelled the General

All of the dinosaurs cheered in approval..

"Beginnen Sie jetzt wieder mit dem Training. Morgen erwartet uns eine blutige Schlacht" The General said.

Tomorrow, will be a memorable day, for all humans, to remember...



Episode 7 coming in 4 hours.


(Sorry for long wait time, I just need some time to think about the next episodes.)


Posted July 28, 2023 at 4:28 am

Yo that thumbnail be looking like trump finally got his wall

Posted July 28, 2023 at 5:21 am

Just 2 days of training?!? Wow, the situation is truly dire

Posted July 28, 2023 at 7:25 am

Very. Very dire.
