Nation Bulletin

The Dino Nugget Invasion

Episode 4

By Pseunom Jason The First
07/27/2023 03:11 pm
Updated: 07/27/2023 03:11 pm

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The Dino Nugget Invasion

Episode 4


Checkout the other episodes!





The General and his asisstant had a meeting, while Bob and his mother go into hiding...



Bob's mom heard a knock at the front door. She told Bob to stay in the room, while she opens the door.

She opens the door to see soldiers and they immediately went in her house.

"Ma'am, we need soldiers immediately. So we will be taking your son to be enlisted as a soldier" said one the soldiers


The other soldier went searching for Bob, and when he found him, he picked him up and brung him into the front.

"NO! You can't take my Bob! He's just a kid!" Screamed his Mother, in dispair.

"Sorry ma'am. But if you want to be safe, we need to take your son." Said the soldier.

Bobs mother began to weep. But she after many tries of trying to convince her, she reluctantly agreed.

"Wait! Stop! My mother! Mom!" Bob yelled, while the soldiers took him into a tank.

He was put into the tank and drove off into the training grounds of the Army. While he was in the tank,

he thought of his mother, his father, what will happen to them? His thoughts were cut short after they reached the training grounds,

where Bob will begin his training as a soldier, and help defend the Earth....



The Battle of Stonehenge


"Captain! The Dino Nuggets are too powerful! We have too many casualties! We need to retreat!" Yelled Private Thompson.


"Call the retreat! They're too strong! We need to have a lot more soldiers than 15k!" Yelled Captain Winston Gray.

The General began to yell retreat,  soldiers were dying left to right, to the vicious Dino Nuggets. Soldiers began the retreat.

"Captain! I need he-" Private Thompson was cut off by the jaws of a Dino Nugget. He was immediately eaten alive.

The General began running back, along with just 3 thousand other men, who survived.....



Episode 5 coming in an hour.



Posted July 27, 2023 at 5:12 am

Now I gotta wait another hour to find out what happens 😭

Posted July 28, 2023 at 5:18 am

Oh no... poor Bob :c
