Nation Bulletin

The Dino Nugget Invasion

Episode 3

By Unga Blunga Studios
07/26/2023 10:27 pm
Updated: 07/26/2023 10:27 pm

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The Dino Nugget invasion

Episode 3



The DIno Nuggets landed on Earth, they have already managed to get into their first battle....


"WHY WEREN'T WE READY FOR THIS??" Yelled General Skittle

"Why are we not already annihilated them already!? They are WEAK compared to us!" The general said.

"Sir, they are dinosaurs. They are simply too strong for our bullets." Said his assistant Jason.

"That makes sense.... Well? What's the report!" Said the General.

"Not good general. We were defeated at the Battle of Stonehenge. 10k casualties to just 25....." Said Jason

"WHAT?? TEN THOUSAND TO 25 CASUALTIES???" Said General Skittle, very annoyed.


"These guys are stronger than we think, Jason. We need to bring out the Special Forces." Said the General.

The General underestimated how strong the dinosaurs are. He didn't know that these Nuggets were so strong.

"Come on Jason! Radio the Government to release the Special Forces! We need to hurry!" Said the general

"Yes sir!" Jason said. He radioed the prime minister and told him to release the Special Forces.

Prime Minister Commie Boris Johnson agreed, and he released them.

The Forces immediately started to plan their attack.....




Bob and his mom have fully fortified their home. They quickly started planning how to save food, and to protect

themselves. Bob had a bat, and his mom had a....... SPATULA??? The two already had fully defended themselves,

and their home.

"Mum, these rapscallions will surely regret landing on our island!" Said Bob.

"Yes my little Bob. We will destroy these little lads!" Said his mom.

Bob when to the only window that wasn't covered and looked outside..



His mum immediately started her 'defense' stance. But when Bob saw how big the Dinosaurs were, he got scared

"Mum, them dinosaurs are the size of actual dinosaurs!" Said bob, surprised.

"WUT??" Said his mom. She looked outside, and saw the dino nuggies. She was just as surprised.

"Let's go into my room and hide! Those lads are bigger than we thought!" She said, ushering him to her room.

They both go into hiding in her room....



Episode 4 and 5 coming Tomorrow.


Posted July 28, 2023 at 3:55 am

I wonder how many of those Dinos could fit in space ships anyway... 25 could still be good numbers if they're far from receiving reinforcements. 
