Nation Bulletin

Jangurupureri's Sealand, New proposal for flag, Expressway cleared, TB-E120 project is finally completed, and more.

A couple of old boats declared independence from Jangurupureri, Commonwealth flag proposal made, permission to create the expressway has been granted, and the airplane, the TB-E120, has been completed

By Sun Dragon Emperor Wu Sassikastomo
07/18/2023 08:09 am
Updated: 07/18/2023 08:09 am

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JTAL Shorts


The Janguresian Public Broadcasting Channels organization has came up with a new idea. Since pretty much nobody really reads these things, we've decided to only include 3-4 interesting, important, or intriguing news articles. 

If you are looking for more information, please refer to the Janguresian Governmental Website, also, if the website needs to be updated, please contact the Janguresian Parliamentary Online Services Board here.

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Ms. Taliialuxia Baraolivasiva, JTAL-194 News Reporter: 

Hello everyone out there in Orbis! Been a while since I covered, ain't it? Well, surprise! I'm back from my break! Anyways, let's get into this, there's something I found interesting about our first topic, so lets read into it!

Chapter 1: Jangurupureri's Sealand

There's been news that about 8 siaurganalsas have been stolen from both the Lion party & the Sun Dragon Party. These boats have been in line for discardment, as they no longer served both parties' purposes; however, the group of around 70 people, who stole these boats, now have sailed to the farside of the Bay of Bengal and declared themselves the Republic of the Achintya Isles. Oddly enough, though, they wish to live in free association with the nation. What this means is that they're still independent; however, Jangurupureri is viable for it's protection; however, Jangurupureri cannot influence the economics there, other than make it so the Janguresian Yariliajn is the national currency. The reason for not invading them is because A. it would cost too many materials, and since Jangurupureri is already spending a lot on many things, it wouldn't be financially viable, and not only that, but it would also cost a bit of a repetition to the parties' that own the boats, since legally speaking, the only thing that this group is doing illegally is a theft of property, since they did consent to have the boats be removed, any means necessary, and they were removed. As such, the Republic of the Achintya Isles currently has to pay up to 8800$ dollars, for every boat they stole.

For a nation that's made up of 8 boats, they aren't doing bad, maritime borders-wise.

Picture of the location of this new nation & the flag.


Map of the newly acclaimed independent Republic of the Achintya Isles.

(I'm still going to be Jangurupureri, it's just that I really want to have a Sealand storyline in my nation's lore.)

Chapter 2: New Commonwealth Flag?

Yep, there's been a new proposal for the Janguresian flag. Since the original idea for the Commonwealth flag was inspired by another flag design, it was designed to continue the Janguresian design format, which was to fly different banners together, to represent unity & diversity within one sovereign state. There are roughly three flag designs, all which are the same flag, just redesigned. What do you think of each flag?

Variant 1, my favorite, in my opinion:


Variant 2:


Variant 3:


And here's the diplomatic variant. I absolutely love this, as well:


Tell us what you think down below, and which variant's your favorite!

Chapter 3: Expressway Permission.

Last week, the People's Republic of East India, otherwise known as the Chittagong State, gave the all-clear to construct the Eksapresave. The only thing that President Bruhsam has required for us to do is to not build in high hills, as those have never worked out when it came to building roads, according to the president himself. Janguresian construction companies are already working on the expressway to connect St. Itihas Vol Kowida to St. Kalipo' Koko, which will bring great trade to both the areas, as well as continue the other enclave together with the Janguresian mainland.

Picture of some land getting cleared to start building the basic roads of the Eksapresave.


(Also, yes, I know Chittagong recently left RP temporarily, but I'm still including this in here, alright? Bruhsam, get better soon!)

Chapter 4: TB-E120 Lifts Off!

Recently, the airliner corporation, Air Namyphdyi, recently announced that their TB-E120 project has successfully reached the point where they can start producing their TB-E120 models in mass quantities. What this means is that many who wish to travel to Jangurupureri's geography will be able to do so, and this will allow for Jangurupureri to be able to traverse it's own terrain, as well as find locations that could be suitable for all kinds of things. Prices for such an aircraft go for roughly 120k USD, and they can fit up to 120 people.

Hope for the future rises with Air Namyphdyi's project completed.

Also, here's the mountain where they tested this one.



And with that last chapter, we bid you farewell and a very kind and nice day. We hope you like this new service. We figured that since nobody's reading our long transcripts internationally, that we should create a service that appeals for those who don't have too much time on their hands. Anyway, we wish you luck, as nations appear to be going in some kind of anarchist state or something, as about 12 have already collasped or something (left RP is what this means.)

Owned by the Janguresian Parliamentary Broadcasting Channels Corporation & Organization.



Posted July 18, 2023 at 5:05 pm

I've Made A Flag For You!


Because Your Designed Flags Are Boring!

Not Too Much Attractive!

You Can Adapt This Flag

Posted July 19, 2023 at 7:19 am

@Obocchama Kun So, are you proposing that flag to be the national flag. If so, could you please explain what the parts of the flag mean?

Posted July 19, 2023 at 1:52 pm

yo nice bulletin.

Posted July 19, 2023 at 5:46 pm

@Bruhsam, thanks!
