Nation Bulletin

Timmy Wroclaws Adventures!

Season 1 : Episode 2 : Dan the Dog

By Adventure Time Studios!
07/05/2023 10:21 pm
Updated: 07/05/2023 10:21 pm

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S1 EP 2 : Dan the Dog


When Timmy is on his way to his favorite breakfast spot, Ching Chang,

He meets an unexpected friend, an animal, friend


Our Story

The day starts with Timmy of course, getting up. He then heads down stairs.

He brushes his teeth, and does his daily routine. But something is wrong....

He doesn't eat any pancakes! Well, there is a reason for that...

He's going to the ALL-NEW breakfast spot! Which, he heard, have the BEST pancakes!

"Oh man! Can't wait to head down to Ching Chang! They should have the best pancakes!" Timmy says, happily

He puts on a normal t-shirt, and some jeans. He heads down the block to Ching Chang.

While walking, he sees.... A DOG!!! Of course, Timmy couldn't help but pet the cute doggo.

He identified it was a golden retriever, a COOL dog.

After a few seconds, he left, but he felt something was following him...

He looked behind him and saw the doggo following him!

"Hey buddy! Let's go get pancakes together!" Timmy says, the dog still following him.

Timmy and the dog reaches the breakfast spot and get a table. 

Timmy orders pancakes for the both of them, while they wait, Timmy thinks of a name.

"I'll name you.... Dan!" Timmy says.

Dan's tail starts shaking and Timmy is very happy.

The pancakes arrive and Timmy and Dan enjoy the BEST pancakes in Hemingway.

After finishing, Timmy ushers the dog to follow him, and they head home together.

"We're gonna be best friends Dan!" Timmy says, walking

While he walks, he quickly grabs some dog food and a dog bowl at the store.

When the reach home, he feeds Dan. His BRAND-NEW FRIEND!!

"Heck yeah Dan! It's Dan the Dog!!" Timmy says, happily.


The End!!

Episode 3 soon to be posted!



Posted July 06, 2023 at 1:18 am

Nice! Dan sounds like a good boy :D
