Nation Bulletin

Opinion | The Matter of Things | Dissent of the Current Government

The Balkashivka Times

By Pyotr Rostovich
07/01/2023 09:28 am
Updated: 07/01/2023 11:48 am

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BT/OPED-           The Matter of Things, the world as a whole, and especially of our domestic state, is increasingly and drastically falling, soon to an unrecoverable point. Our country, our beautiful and history-rich country of Gavastek—tarnished by the names socialist republic—has been effected by extremism, with the supermajority in the General Counsel, the near-supermajority in the National Conference, and then the influence of most media within our land. This rise of supermajorities creates a sense and demeanour of unaccountability, allowing for the catastrophe witnessed during the gold standard crisis of 2087, where our socialist-led government, with their unqualified Minister of Economics, put their trust, without the proper though or foresight, into a government to keep a large portion of our gold reserve, that later proved so unstable to fall into a coup, losing us our country’s hard-earned reserves, until we had to go into the country with our special military forces to remove and reclaim our metal from the terrorist coup government that refused to give back what was not theirs.

           The instability the world saw almost 70 years ago, with the destruction of rights, and the ruin of the world economy, was created with the exact same mindset that men and women in power were invincible, and could get away with any amount of risk, and not pay the consequences of their actions. The government so far may not have created a balloon debt likeness seen in countries such as the former United States of America, but at the current rate of revenue intake to spending, projections just don’t point to a sustainable government budget, upon which we will borrow money, we will gain debt, and our economy will hang in the balance only by us promising that “we can pay it back one day, even if it exponentially grows every year.” I, like many others, cannot sit around and watch our country go to ruin all because we didn't raise our voices against the extreme socialist party. 
           It is not too late for our country to make the right decision. And while I known that our country still places an extreme amount if trust in the current regime, tides are turning, and the waters and draining away the blood of red, replacing it with the pearlescent blue of its natural colours. I believe that we are just the one last slip up from this failing regime, until we can finally return ourselves to a government of, by, and for our people, the fair, by-blood citizens, of these sovereign Gavastekan islands.


Posted July 01, 2023 at 8:29 pm

