Nation Bulletin

3-Year Anniversary with Grand Celebrations and Promising Progress

Jubulant celebrations taking place in New Rhodes

By The Caribbean Gazette
06/28/2023 02:10 pm
Updated: 06/28/2023 02:20 pm

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Grand Celebrations!


New Rhodes, a flourishing nation nestled in the heart of the Caribbean, is jubilantly celebrating its momentous three-year anniversary since its establishment. The air is filled with excitement and pride as the citizens of New Rhodes come together to commemorate their remarkable journey.

The festivities commenced with a grand parade through the capital city, showcasing the nation's vibrant culture and the unity that has become the hallmark of New Rhodes. Colorful floats adorned with national symbols and iconic landmarks rolled through the streets, accompanied by marching bands with their ukuleles and harmonicas, dance troupes, and enthusiastic spectators.

Captin Sir Relly, delivered a rousing speech at the central square, expressing gratitude to the citizens for their unwavering support and dedication. He highlighted the accomplishments and milestones achieved by New Rhodes since its inception, emphasizing the tremendous strides made in areas such as piracy and looting.

As the day draws to a close, a mesmerizing fireworks display will light up the night sky, symbolizing the radiant future that awaits New Rhodes. This celebration not only honors the three years of hard work and dedication but also serves as a testament to the unwavering spirit and resilience of the people of New Rhodes.

As New Rhodes embarks on its fourth year, the nation stands poised to achieve even greater heights, with a commitment to greater prosperity. The world eagerly watches the progress of this nation, eager to witness the continued success and achievements of New Rhodes and their leadership in the years to come.


Posted June 28, 2023 at 7:18 pm


Posted June 28, 2023 at 8:15 pm

Congratulations! We wish you the best.

Posted June 28, 2023 at 10:15 pm

Whoa. Congratulations! I've only been here for 1/3 a year, but the fact that you've seen so much in Orbis is incredible!
