Nation Bulletin

Troops moved west; naval patrol route established


By Lunar National Press
06/28/2023 07:55 am
Updated: 06/28/2023 07:55 am

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In response to actions by The Canadian Federation regarding the current Lunar government as a "terrorist group", troops have been moved to the western coast of the nation, and a naval patrol route has been established near this area. The Lunar Order State has declared Canadian interference as hostile actions towards the nation, and The Canadian Federation has been declared a terrorist state. 

In these trying times, the movement of military forces, including the naval patrol stationed in the straits, is for defensive purposes, to protect the citizens of Luna from the rule of terrorism. The Lunar government will ensure the safety of all citizens by protecting them from these attempts.

"They call us terrorists for establishing order within this nation? No, we are simply the ones who prevented this state from once again falling into anarchy," Lunar Army Commander Maeve Faulkner said. "Yes, we understand that some freedoms have to be limited to establish such a government, but we are not the terrorists here. For interfering in our national affairs and endangering the peaceful lives of our innocent citizens with their activities, Canada is the true terrorist regime."

Despite acts of foreign and domestic terrorism, the Lunar Order State continues to maintain a safe and stable governing system within the nation. Citizens taking actions against the state may face criminal charges for disrupting and interfering with the stability of the nation. Although laws of the nation have changed since the coup of the corrupt democracy, these changes are necessary to keep the nation from once again falling into civil war. 


Privately-owned news organizations banned after spreading misinformation and propaganda

After two major Lunar media platforms, The Lunar Post and The Arcadia Times, were found to be actively under the control of communists, anarchists and other groups working to spread anti-government propaganda to the populace, non-state-regulated media has been banned within the Lunar Order State. Although this decision may be controversial in a nation that has long favored the freedom of the press, this order was decided on to protect the stability of the Lunar government and the nation altogether.

"We will not tolerate defamation and false light to slander this nation, nor will we allow these groups of, essentially, domestic terrorists, to control the media shared with our people," a state representative said. "The Lunar National Press will function as the only legally produced and distributed Lunar news for the time being, until the situation can be better investigated and regulated."

Several officials arrested for anti-government schemes

In response to evidence pointing to treasonous plans and actions, several prominent officials have been arrested and are awaiting trial. Arrested officials include former president Aurelia Aquila, former Parliament member Siobhan Connolly (one of the few remaining Communist Parliament members), former Commander in Chief Flynn Radcliffe and 2087 presidential candidates Rhys Byrne and Finn Delane, who were all allegedly involved in a scheme to bring down the regime, among others. All those arrested will be put on trial in Arcadia, and those found guilty may be sentenced to death.

"We understand that many of the men and women arrested in this initiative have played a fundamental role in this nation's recent years," Faulkner said. "However, we cannot deny the allegations against them, and therefore a complete trial and investigation of the situation will be necessary. Of course we would prefer to avoid unnecessary punishment of our people, especially those who have been so involved in this nation, but this potential treason cannot be allowed to continue."

Assassination attempt on Parliament member determined to be foreign terrorist operation

Longtime Lunar Parliament member Zora Meissner was shot in the leg while driving home from the presidential offices on July 8. Meissner was hospitalized after the attack, although the injury sustained was not major. After investigation, the attempted assassination was determined to be an effort to destabilize the government with an attack on a prominent member, likely by a foreign terrorist organization attempting to influence Lunar involvement in the global war. The attack is continuing to be investigated to pinpoint the exact origin of this terrorist group.


Posted June 28, 2023 at 7:58 am

My apologies for any mistakes, I wrote this at 3:30 am...

Posted June 28, 2023 at 8:08 am

Haha I love it, Canada is a terrorist regime because we're taking in refugees.  I was waiting for a response but that was better then anything I could've imagined, great job Luna.

Posted June 28, 2023 at 8:28 am

Another day, another declaration of terrorist states. I love it.

Posted June 28, 2023 at 8:35 am

I’m bout to bomb this whole mf plane 

-some dude

Posted June 28, 2023 at 11:33 am

You know, the war is over.

Would you like peace? 

Posted June 29, 2023 at 4:15 pm

We appreciate and support the actions of Canadian federation against the Lunar order state. 

Esther George, minister of foreign affairs, East India. 

Posted July 05, 2023 at 1:06 am

Ching chong
