Nation Bulletin

Janguresian Parliament comes to flag conclusion; Jangurupureri & DPRK comparisons; installation of the SBCON system, and more!

This one is a weird one, with all kinds of things.

By Janguresian Parliamentary Broadcasting Channel (JTAL-194)
06/27/2023 07:57 am
Updated: 06/27/2023 07:57 am

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Date Released:

June 28, 2089weather_sun.png/June 26, 2023weather_sun.png

Format: Parliamentary Press Passage Post Format - 103, (4PF - 103).

Name Of Transcript: Janguresian Parliament comes to flag conclusion; The United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri & Democratic People's Republic of Korea comparisons; installation of the SBCON system, Yunnan flag debate, and Something Something Jangurupureri.


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Disclaimer: The following news reporter has translated today's news on the channel into a transcript, and many things have been edited on their part. Please consider this information when reading.

Mr. Yulagga-Mahki Suzkamoja, JTAL-194 News Reporter: 

Ello, Ello, Ello, Orbis! So, you're probably wondering what's happening in Jangurupureri, eh? Well, I'll tell ya!

We'll be discussing about how the dispute behind the new Commonwealth's flag will be when the government is officially established has been resolved, a comparison chart has been created by the JDMM to understand progress of democracy throughout the country, Dauchh Palkian information technology service, SBCON, sets up shop in Jangurupureri, and many other things that'll be told later!

Let's get onto the news, shall we?

Chapter 1: The Results are...

Recently, the Janguresian Government, particularly Sun Dragon Emperor Wu Sassikastomo, has sent out their submissions for the new Janguresian transitional government's flag, with very few voting internationally. The international vote mostly just came to tie between different flags, and as such, the Parliament had to go through multiple different flags, and even held an election for all the flags they made to come to 3 semi-conclusions:

Joseon Variant:


Historical Variant:


960s Eastern Variant:

All the people's votes have come to this very moment, and it shows that 41.35% of the public who voted chose the 960s Eastern Variant, 39.25% chose the historical flag, and 20.40% chose the Joseon Variant. 

The main reason why so many people were so conflicted with the flags here is that they all represented them well, especially the 960s Eastern Variant & the Historical Variant. The 960s Eastern Variant won though, and many have said that the reason why they wanted this flag to be the national flag is because of it's uniqueness, with a sharp and interesting flag design, yet modest one, too. It's one that's able to represent every culture and persons within Janguresian society, regardless of ethnicity.

The Commonwealth hasn't been fully established yet, that is the Commonwealth of Janguresian Democratic Monarchist Republics (CJDMR). It's still the UMRJ; however, I think this flag is better than the original flag, since it requires less to represent more people as a whole.

(4th-wall breaking here: I still have no clue as to how in the world to write a constitution.)

Speaking of Korea, let's get on to our next segment. It features by far one of the most insane segments we may have ever done.


Chapter 2: Vol Kowida & Pyongyang.

That's right, we're comparing Jangurupureri to North Korea, or at least we're reviewing a comparison of our country to North Korea, from JDMM. Now, you might be thinking that comparing our country to North Korea would already be the determining factor about the differences and similarities between the D.P.R.K & U.M.R.J; however, there is a lot more than what's on the outside for both of these nations.

According to JDMM, overall, the democracy index is improving significantly, with many people now able to access better things; however, we still have to consider all things that may lead to the improvement in democracy in the government. This is why the JDMM created this, to consider all the possible things that could threaten a democracy. The JDMM warns that this document is not to be used as a means to say that everything that fits needs to be removed. Only things that are the likely causes for severe political corruption, the starvation of over millions of people, and other things that are severely important to note when considering everything about these two nations.

Also, please be careful when considering this information into account, as there is likely a couple of things that may not be correct.


It does really go to show just how better the world is. I don't think I've ever heard of any country that practices the same things as North Korea, and for that, I can personally say that Orbis is definitely at least a better place than it was. 

Don't get me wrong, Jangurupureri does has it's imperfections, but at least it tries to consider it's people into the equation, which is why there have been many different reforms to help improve industries and bring more economic opportunities for the country and it's people.

Speaking of pressing matters, let's now go to the next segment:


Chapter 3: SBCON is now in Jangurupureri.

Yep, the government of the United States of Dauchh Palki recently got word of the introduction of Research & Information Processing into the market. They've asked if SBCON could be implemented into the Janguresian market, as officials have been interested in the ever-growing market that was introduced. It even wants to go as far even hired people from Jangurupureri to work for SBCON, which would actually make Jangurupureri the first country for SBCON to expand employment in, other than Tech Support.

An office has been created for SBCON in the capital, featuring both the current Dauchh Palki flag, and the current Jangurupureri flag. Many Janguresians have been interested in this new development in the industry, especially since businesses will be able to use it's services to better their internet infrastructure, as well as allow for others to start their own websites; however, the biggest advantage of all is the data behind. Since data is said to be the thing that can power large industries worldwide, this also means that the expansion of more information processing & technology sectors will also allow for the country to be able to modernize more with current technology standards.8d2dd1eb65fa699bc92fdc9dfee044da42749f3bx180.jpg

Right now, many corporations and organizations, including ours, are trying to get the hang of the technology, since it's format is different than the ones we're currently using, but the point is that this is slowly, but surely becoming a pretty popular industry, since development on computers can allow for more precise building & construction plans, more industries making more bank, and the potential for a lot more jobs to be created for those who may not be able to get a job, but have great techncial skills.

We'll have to wait and see what will happen in this industry, because it seems that it's a train that's starting to really move, and fast! 

We've even started using it, starting with this news article! Speaking of which, due to more access & development of data technology, this means that Jangurupureri actually has it's own social media platform now, called Velvetext, a social media platform that people will be able to communicate with each other from long distances. This could be good for quite a lot of reasons, including the possibility that the people of Mainland Jangurupureri and the Yunnan will be able to communicate to each other easily, and start to get along with each other more easily. It'll also allow for people to send over video calls, scheduled texts, and the company that developed Velvetext, which is Rvasika Technologies, is even wondering about the prospect of using AI technology on Velvetext; however, you can't deny one thing. The introduction of SBCON is definitely starting to change something around here.

Speaking of something to change around here, let's get on to the next segment!


Chapter 4: Yunnan? Is that you?

Currently, a major complication has arisen in the Yunnan, and it's not anything in particular that could lead up to violence, oh no no no. This conflict is about the Yunnan's flag. Yep, that's right, there's a major conflict over a flag. The reason why is because the Yunnan doesn't have any actual flag for the province officially, and because now they're under a law that allows them to also fly their own provincial kingdom flag; however, the problem is actually creating one.There isn't really any official flag, and seats are almost done being set up for the Yunnan provincial council of emperors to start the Yunnan's journey into being a constitutional monarchist republic, and really being part of the UMRJ; however, representation demand in the province has grown quite well, and since the Yunnan doesn't have an official flag, many people in the Yunnan want a flag to be made for the Yunnan province, so people did make a flag, with this flag being the most popular iteration for the flag of the province:


It's not a permament flag; however, rather a flag that's used to represent the people of the province, and the province itself, and a banner that can be used to represent the province well until a better banner can come along to replace it.

Since then, there has been a thing that we seen people do in mainland Jangurupureri, where people are drawing this Yunnan flag as a personified ball, since it's a pretty memorable flag. Even the government themselves did the same thing. The flag does remind me a lot of the Kosovo flag, and it's even weird how Kosovo and the Yunnan look so similar, and yet they aren't.

Janguresian officials have informed everyone in Jangurupureri that this flag is only temporary, unless the people of the Yunnan want to keep it as their flag. So far, it's been so-so. On one hand, many people have waved this flag around, and are happy to have a flag that is able to represent them; however, on the other hand, there are people who wish for a better flag to be designed, as some believe that this isn't really all that great of a flag to represent the people, nor the government there.

Believe what you believe, but the problem here is a matter of representation. Official flag designers, who work for the government, will attempt to create a good flag of the Yunnan based on the history of the Yunnan, as well as the colors typically shown on cultural items and other things.


Chapter 5: Something Something Jangurupureri

(100 Days small celebratory section, I'm about 16 days late.)

So, many Janguresian have been asking why Jangurupureri is the way it is today, especially the younger Janguresian population. The reason why Jangurupureri is where it is today is all in many major factors. You have to remember something about JPI, in a way, it has to depend on positive diplomacy to do be able to survive, since it's a land-locked nation, after all, and when it first formed, it was really too weak at the time to be able to defend itself, so it sought to develop diplomatic ties. 

After many diplomatic ties have been formed with different countries, it's been able to develop and overcome, and introduce many different nations and their cultures into Janguresian society, including New Olystynian culture, Palkian culture, Bengali culture, Tibetan culture, Nepalese culture, and many other cultures. Over time, it's been able to develop itself into something that's more involved in the technologic sector.

It's really mean quite a lot for the nation, especially since from 100 days, we became from a small, insignificant speck on the World Stage, to something that's been able to influence the world stage, even it is a small influence. Even though we have the Yunnan now, Jangurupureri is still small, and for that, it's quite impressive how well we've been able to do for ourselves.

Wu Sassikastomo also has to thank for Dauchh & Chittagong for helping the nation out in times of difficult decision making. They're kind of the reason why the nation didn't make what could have been the worse possible decision in their entire history. On top of that, we would also like to thank all the other nations in Orbis for playing some part in the shaping of the nation, since everyone has their own contribution they've given directly/indirectly towards the nation.

Jangurpureri hopes of someday becoming an advocate for peace, and is even thinking of someday becoming a peacekeeper within the international community, capable of handling itself, being one of the beacons of hope for peace over Orbis, and the ability to thrive in it's environment.

And with that end to a broadcast, I bid you a good night, day, or afternoon. Whatever your timezone is. I'll see ya later, you have a pleasant evening, now! It's really good outside! It's summer for crying out loud, and you don't have to right next to a forest fire! It's one of the best summas' I had in a long while! Enjoy ya summer while it lasts, because summer only lasts 3 months in a year, which means you'll have to wait for 9 months until you can enjoy that summer breeze again! Good luck, and Tschüss! Bis später! 

Goodness, I need to really work on my German. Oh yea, I've been using the language app that basically says, "Spanish Or Vanish," because I've been looking to talk to more of my family once I visit back to Australia when I'm on Winter vacation. 

Thank you for watching our news for today, and if you wish to get a paper copy of this, you can check out our website, or sign up to receive papers of this news by mailing us at this address!

Address: Shalkobbanack Avenue, 19445, St. Itihas Vol Kowida.
 Times open - (09:30) - (21:35).




Posted June 27, 2023 at 4:15 pm

Holy crap you put so much effort into these bulletins!

Posted June 27, 2023 at 4:16 pm

@Dauchh Thanks. O, wait, did you hear how there's now an SBCON office in Jangurupureri, and how it's kind of effecting the digital evolution of the nation?

Posted June 27, 2023 at 4:33 pm

Nice Bulletin

Posted June 27, 2023 at 4:57 pm

Yo congrats mate

Posted June 27, 2023 at 4:58 pm

Thonks, Chittagong!

Posted June 27, 2023 at 5:12 pm


anyways, great bulletin as always. smh I may give you orbis money to appreciate your efforts and your will to not stop your amazing bulletins

Posted June 27, 2023 at 5:21 pm

The deeper I look in your bulletins, I am pretty surprised. Your things are extremely detailed, and it is pretty cool you even have ads! 

BTW if you wanna make a constitution, you can try reading the constitution of India as a basis for making a constitution. Start with We the people of xyz nation, write about what your nation stands for and end with some statement like "we form this nation" or "the king thus establishes the xyz nation".
And then proceed to add laws about how people are limited to only some certain laws and how the king is not supreme.
