Nation Bulletin

R.T & P.T plans for hydroelectric-powered future; Research & I.P become big markets, and more.

With the Government, R.T & P.T plan on a national project; Research & Information Processing markets becomes major, and many more.

By Janguresian Parliamentary Broadcasting Channel (JTAL-194)
06/24/2023 01:41 am
Updated: 06/24/2023 01:41 am

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Date Released:

May 30, 2089weather_rain.png/June 23, 2023beeee745ba0336cee4449fcd2dd93d453e61adc1x340.png

Format: Parliamentary Press Passage Post Format - 103, (4PF - 103).

Name Of Transcript: Surging oil prices lift economy in Jangurupureri; Jangurupureri starts including services & electronics market into economy, and bonus stuff.


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Disclaimer: The following news reporter has translated today's news on the channel into a transcript, and many things have been edited on their part. Please consider this information when reading.

Mr. Yulagga-Mahki Suzkamoja, JTAL-194 News Reporter: 

Ello, Ello, Ello, Orbis! So, you're probably wondering what Jangurupureri is going to do next. We're actually doing quite a lot of things. Let's actually get to that right now! Starting with...

Chapter 1: Project For Power.

Many people in Jangurupureri have started to boycott the government for not taking proper measures to actually provide them with industries and such that could actually be productive and beneficial. On top of that, many have actually started to critize the nuclear industry, as people start to claim that nuclear energy may actually be more harmful than it seems, with the mining of uranium, and how radioactive certain areas near the power plants have gotten, including the Kalipo' Koko nuclear power plant, 6 miles away from the border of the city of St. Kalipo' Koko, and how it's been endangering both the nature near the areas, as well as have a significant effect, as the citizens fear the iconic lakes near St. Kalipo' Koko could potentially get contaminated by these facilities.

On top of this, Rvasika & Palamazar have been looking to further their influence in other industries, as the two are kind of like frenemies, or good rivals, where they try and beat the other, but always have good terms with each other, mostly due to the fact that both Palamazar & Rvasika Technologies have great importance in the development of each other's products.

As such, when the government was looking for companies that may be able to provide some level of construction, technology, research, and health, Rvasika & Palamazar both had the same idea to take the job. As such, the government has signed off the Project For Power project to be constructed. The government plans on tapping into hydroelectricity to help better power it's economy, and it's people's homes and businesses. If this project goes accordingly, it's possible that large amounts of green energy could be generated, which could also mean being able to start an industry of selling cheap power to regional countries, which could also play a major role in the power supply of T'seulia, as plans for T'seulia plan on making the city entirely battery powered. This would make T'seulia the world's largest battery-powered city in all of the country, as well as the only one in the entire country. It would also require making sure that trade ties to the Chittagong State & the P.R.B, as well as diplomatic relations, remain positive, to assure the possibility of trading energy between mainland Jangurupureri & T'seulia.

The Ganga Bamdha Dam is a dam named after the Hindu deity, Ganga, and will be built along the more northern side of Jangurupureri, with exclusion of anything being built along the Ganges River, as it is a sacred river, and the building of the dam in that area of the country would likely raise controversy.

We'll see what the future has to offer for this project. 

There are big things that the government and these companies wish to create with this dam, such as the usage of nature in the construction of the dam, likely an area of the dam where the creatures of these rivers could pass through safely, and the inclusion of imported robotic technology, from places around the world, to help with the construction of the dam.

The date which the dam will be finished will likely be in March of 2092.

This is a picture of the construction of the Ganga Bamdha Dam.


Speaking of research, let's talk about:

Chapter 2: Research? Yes, please!

Recently, the Janguresian government has attempted to introduce the Research & Information Processing market into the country. This is because of the same reason why the Ganga Bamdha Dam is being built: because research showed that while the country may not be in the best geographic spot in the world, there is a lot of potential for a lot of green-based markets, such as green power, green technology, and of course, agriculture. This has made the government realize that what it needs to do is encourage the research sector to attempt to better have people understand better about the country and it's features, so development on revitalizing the industries of the nation can really start to take off. Not only this, but they believe research will also help develop sectors that'll be able to help the government create rules, regulations, and jobs that'll allow the country to be more competitive when it comes to its economy, as well as allow for the exponential growth of wealth in the country. Since the government idolizes western policies and ideals, it attempts to establish these ideals into their society; however, it's also gained inspiration as to how it's society should be established by successful places, such as Johore, as they contain parts of the world that have been able to thrive and transform into massive economic giants, and the government has been taking notes about things like policies, geography, and many more things about these countries to learn what policies could work for them, and what may not work.

The government figured that by encouraging research, that better understanding could be formed, which will allow for more people to be able to help out in being able to help fix the country, and be able to even form a society that may be more fitting for the people of the country, as well as the government, so it's no longer so hard to maintain the country while people will be able to better maintain themselves in the process, allowing the government to focus on other matters that may be more important for the economy, security, and general wellbeing of the country, while others in the country can focus on improving themselves, as well.

Those that've entered the industry of research & information processing have come up with results about the country that'll sure to allow others in the country, as well as the government, to help their citizens out, as well as maintain many other important things around the country.

Only time will tell.



Speaking about Jangurupureri...

Chapter 3: Some New Policies just dropped.

Hey guys, so if you don't know, the Parliament just dropped some new policies that may help with the country's overall long term economic success, so let's get over those policies!

NOTE: Many of these policies are simply economic, and many of the economy policies are based off the economic policies of Singapore, so if you want to know more about the policies, just go here: Singapore's Economy (

The Parliament has recently passed a fiscal policy, which will require an overall balanced budget, regardless on government powers.

Expenditure policies & fair tax will be better implemented into society, as well as the promotion of sustained economic growth without any form of inflation.

The Parliament also passed that the government must have some state-owned service-based organizations, focused solely on making sure that everyone in the country is able to have food, have a roof over their head, have running water and electricity, and much more, when necessary. Such things, like the provision of education, security, housing, health care programs, will require involvement by the government; however, these services are only required for citizens if any persons can't find any other programs that'll get them the things they need, such as security and housing. This means that if you aren't able to find a company, program, or other service-based organization/company, you will have to use these programs, managed by the state.

Taxes will also have to be fairer, to allow for more investments from the international audience.

The government will also have to provide an stable environment for the private sectors of the economy & country to thrive.

While there are some new economic policies, there are also now some new social policies.

Policies on recreational substances have been loosened, allowing for people over the age of 25 to use such substances; however, exportation or usage of these substances towards other countries is not allowed by any means, unless permitted by the foreign government that these substances are being exported to, or the country you wish to use these substances in. In short, you could literally have a permit to use substances internationally; however, you would have to apply for such a thing at the Janguresian Embassy Building, the building that contains the embassies of other countries within said building. If all embassies within the building approve of your application for foreign exportation or substance usage internationally, then you can bring substances to all countries that have embassies with Jangurupureri, otherwise, it is best to be cautious with substance exportation or usage in foreign countries and pre-read the country's policies before you plan on bringing the substances to that country.

Dual Citizenship & Expats are also allowed in the country. What this means is that people who have citizenship in other countries can also apply to gain citizenship in Jangurupureri, and people who wish to work abroad in Jangurupureri will be provided with services that'll attempt to fit these expats with jobs that they'll like, as well as provide them with places that'll be able to accommodate them with their needs for as long as they want; however, all of these services, and more, can be only provided to said expats if they sign a document that contains all the things they deem necessary to be able to live in the nation, if they plan on having temporary or permanent residence here. If they plan on having permanent resident status here, they must also apply for a passport. Jangurupureri accepts all right-driving driver's licenses; however, any left-driving driver's licenses are accepted as well as a means for identification, and other things; however, if they plan on driving in Jangurupureri, they must apply for a Janguresian license, or get a right-driving driver's license from another country. The only countries that this instance can apply to are countries who are allies towards the United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri, or the Ersemakmuran Republik Monarki Demokrat Janguresian, the soon-to-be modified & official version of the UMRJ.

Here is a picture of the Siauryuagan-Indaoshai CFO & Treasury Advisor, Micaria Shawilski, holding the official document of the newly created policies for the country.


Chapter 4: Yunnan joins the UMRJ?

Recently, President Bruhsam and Sun Dragon Emperor Wu Sassikastomo have been in the talks regarding about a province that the Chittagong State owns: The Yunnan. As such, Wu Sassikastomo had gone to visit the Yunnan. The Yunnan features architecture, culture, and all kinds of things that really do resemble a lot about the culture of Jangurupureri, and honestly, how could you not fall in love with scenery like this?229cbfb8a937a5da0abf4bbc8eef4cf43cd489d4x349.jpg

It's practically perfect for Jangurupureri! It has an extremely high elevation in certain parts of the province, it's cultural features, it's ability to modernize, keep traditions, and be able to include nature into the way the cities are designed, like Kunming, the capital of the province of Yunnan.

The capital perfectly captures what Jangurupureri looks, feels, and tries to be. A prospering place that can feature all kinds of people, cultures, and who knows what else? Since this part of the nation is larger than the entire mainland, it's been decided to make the government of the Yunnan a C.E.E.G.S, or a Council of Elected Emperors Governing System. This means that emperors within the Yunnan will be able to get elected by the people to represent them in this council, where decisions for the province will be made. These decisions can then be sent to the mainland Parliament to have the board members vote on whether or not the decisions can be executed. 

Likely, they will; however, there will probably be very few times where they won't, but that'll likely be in a later date, plus that rarely ever really happens with any of the other Monarchist Republics, so I don't think it'll happen to the Yunnan.

A flag will be made to represent the province; however, that may be a complication, since we would have to further research about the Yunnan, it's history, the colors that represent the province and it's people, and several other things. For now, though, we welcome the Yunnan into the United Monarchist Republics.

However, the Parliament seem glad to have Yunnan be part of the UMRJ, they even created this little poster to welcome the Yunnan and it's people! We still don't quite have a flag for the province yet, but we'll let them now that they can say that they're part of our weird little HRE of Southeast Asia. I'm sure that this'll lead to grand relations with the people of the Yunnan & the rest of the United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri.


Honestly, I've never been to Yunnan, but there is one thing I could tell you based on the images I've seen: I absolutely love the place! It's so majestic, and it's like this fun combination of all kinds of cultures, and other things! I mean, I can't even describe how cool the Yunnan looks, or it's cool sense of culture & modernization, and how it's been able to preserve such a wonderful beauty, despite everything that's happened.

I welcome to Yunnan into the nation of Jangurupureri, and I hope that the Yunnan's personality & culture will be able to thrive greatly in our nation.


And with that interesting end to a news broadcast, we'll close off the news report for today with a interesting look at our nation's policies and politics, and we'll bid you a pleasant rest of the week.

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Posted June 24, 2023 at 9:52 am

I can confirm about Yunnan. 
