Nation Bulletin

Surging oil prices lift economy in Jangurupureri; Jangurupureri starts including services & electronics market into economy, and bonus.

Oil prices start to lift the economy, Jangurupureri start including more things into the oil economy, like services & electronics, and a bonus.

By Sun Dragon Emperor Wu Sassikastomo
06/20/2023 02:41 am
Updated: 06/20/2023 02:41 am

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Date Released:

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Format: Parliamentary Press Passage Post Format - 103, (4PF - 103).

Name Of Transcript: Surging oil prices lift economy in Jangurupureri; Jangurupureri starts including services & electronics market into economy, and bonus stuff.

(This is a replacement article.)


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Disclaimer: The following news reporter has translated today's news on the channel into a transcript, and many things have been edited on their part. Please consider this information when reading.

Mr. Yulagga-Mahki Suzkamoja, JTAL-194 News Reporter: 

Ello, Ello, Ello, Orbis! So, you're probably wondering what Jangurupureri is going to do next. Honestly, we're not quite sure ourselves, but we have an idea to just start redeveloping the nation again, and get it battle-ready, in the instance of directed war efforts against Jangurupureri.

Oil prices have allowed us to gain slightly more money for the restoration of infrastructure, and because of oil prices rising, the Parliament fears that it may drop someday, and so, has introduced a program to start providing more, like how we used to in the good old days. We're now reintroducing technology & services into the economy, making the economy now dependent on more things, other than oil, and we'll be talking about something that I honestly not was expecting from this situation, but at the same time, was & wasn't that surprised at the same time.

 For any questions regarding the situations talked about here, or if you're more interested about the events featured here, please go to the Janguresian Governmental Website to find out more about said events. Anyways, let’s get started with...

Let's get started with...

Chapter 1: Saint's Delight.

The prices in the oil market, as you may or may have not noticed, are starting to really surge again, going up to prices like 2,400$ per gallon of gasoline. As such, the Janguresian government is starting to sell it's oil again, which is actually making the economy a lot better. People are starting to get back to the old days again, where we were able to buy just about anything that our hearts desired that wasn't over 800 dollars overbudget. As such, the nationalists have started to calm down, since the efforts made by the government have been successful.

Yaun's especially found this great, since he could start providing for his family again, who also really care about the country. It actually turns out that the reason why Yaun turned nationalist from communist was because he had this idea to help the country; however, after seeing things in his neighborhood go wrong, he had figured that the country had started to lose faith in it's people, which is why he went communist originally, to have the people start really standing up for themselves. After the whole thing ended, he moved to nationalism, since he believe that we needed to improve the country's reputation, which is why we are here. As a result, Yaun has been sent to a rehabilitation center, and Wu himself told Yaun to stop being so extremist, and he even told Yaun that if he wants to help the country & it's people, then don't do drastic things like the things he's been doing.

As for my home city, St. Kalipo. Koko, the city's basically turned into a small Dubai.

Just today, they announced the plan to create the Kalipo. Koko international airport, an airport that would allow people to go to the, "Sydney of Southern Asia." 

Honestly, I don't really get the resemblance, but what do I know? I'm only a migrant from Australia, who's been to Sydney before.

It's honestly more like a small Dubai, since it's more dependent on it's oil, it's crazily ambitious, and it can be sometimes a bit stupid with it's ambition & money.


Despite this, their oil has been able to help the federal Parliament repair a primary city, primarily the city of St. Thessa-Castilia, a city that's closer to the capital than it is to St. Kalipo' Koko; however, it's not very influential, but it's still a major portion of the economy, since the city does proceed half of the same things that St. Kalipo' Koko does, and making sure it's at full level is vital for the strength of the economy.


Speaking of things that are vital for the economy, let's move on towards this next segment, which is...

Chapter 2: Where we fall is where we'll eventually rise again.

Recently, the Janguresian Parliament has told everyone great news about the economy. They've created a program that'll allow for the other industries to start playing a part in the economy again, and so far, two major players have joined the program, those two major players being the services industry and the technology industry. I'm sure you may be able to guess which companies agreed. Yep, it's good ol' Rvasika & Palamazar. Being the big players of their respective industries, they're the ones who've signed these agreements to be part of this program, and this program will likely restart the industralization process of Jangurupureri. 

Speaking of Industralization, we almost forgot to tell you.

This project is called the Pūshan Project, named after the god of roads, and the patron god of merchants in Hinduism.

Jangurupureri is announcing their version of the Autobahn, called the Eksapresave, to go through the entirety of the country. The reason behind this was because the Janguresian government is starting to notice just how difficult & dangerous it really is to get through the entirety of the country, and while we do have freeways, we don't have freeways that can go towards the other provinces. We can't quite build a freeway towards T'seulia, since that's more of an enclave kingdom than an mainland kingdom, but it was already planned to have it kind of be the "boat kingdom," where the preferred way towards the mainland from T'seulia would be to go by boat, especially for trading purposes.

The Eksapresave will allow for the ulimate unification of all parts of the country, as well as allow vehicles and other pieces of equipment, such as cargo, oil, and imported things, to get towards other parts of the country easily, and without stop. The expressway is planned to be a 10-lane highway system that focuses on speed & caution, making sure that things can be as safe and speedy as possible. 

Currently, many construction workers are attempting to create plans for how the Eksapresave shall be built; however, this will take quite a while as a relief map of the nation would be required to make sure the construction of this expressway is as safe & efficient as possible.

The Eksapresave is kind of inspired by the highway in Naypyidaw, and the idea of such a system was given by the same person who helped us redesign the main capital. We figured that it would be best to create an efficient highway that'll allow us to get to other parts of the country more easily, especially since some of the provinces we have aren't exactly connected to the main Nepalese highway systems, and plus, we're going to need more of this if we're going to be able to transport equipment and industrial products towards all corners of the country.


Chapter 3: Priorities, man, priorities.

The Janguresian Regiment has decided to send soldiers and aircraft, about 120k of these, towards Zullimanistan, after being approved for air travel in their nation. It's to protect the Middle Eastern Offensive. We're not entirely sure if this has anything to deal with the current world war going on, but as a nation bent on peacekeeping, and a fact that I'll mention later, we'll do our part to at least help out in some kind of way.

We hope that our contributions will help bring peace throughout the region, and we hope that this military cooperation will further strength the bonds between Zullimanistan & Jangurupureri, especially since something big is going to happen with Jangurupureri.

Picture of Royal Tianteng Fleet Regiment Commander, Wind Commander Haryano Ghazi Hazifa, shaking hands with the wind commander of the Zullimanistani Royal Air Force.

We hope grand success in the peacekeeping efforts.


Chapter 4: North Korea Moment?

Police & Government officials have randomly found about 500 Wilga 35As in an old, hidden, FSON airbase, after discovering a secret base within walking distance from St. Veppanliyada & Janaknagar, the capital of "The Nebbahuut Kingdom." Documents have been found that state the following:

"Under new ownership from the Republic Of Poland to the Free State Of Nepal, 4000 Wilga 35As have been purchased for roughly 800,000,000 USD; however, it appears that despite this, it actually turns out that the Free State of Nepal actually had a debt of 800,000,000 USD before it collasped, which means that these planes were falsely purchased. Police & Officials claim that the Free State Of Nepal's government may have brought these planes to start development on gunner planes, but there's nothing about any reason as to why these planes, especially these particular types, were purchased. It's possible that the documents may have been burned or thrown away, but for whatever reason, they're still in moderate condition. Since the Republic Of Poland is not mentioned on any world maps anymore internationally, it's best to assume the collapse of Poland in Orbis, which means that there is no federal government that we can pay these planes back for. As such, we'll give about a quarter of these planes to the general population, two-quarters of these planes towards the Royal Tianteng Fleet, and half a quarter of these planes will be used for research and development as to the plane's technology, and how this could be used to improve our nation's planes, both for the military and for the general population, since the mountains here are absolutely high, and steep. The rest will be preserved in a museum.

Here's a image of one of these planes found in the hanger, with a camouflage paint-job. This is one of the reasons why officials believe that this may have been intended to be used for military purposes, like the usage of these vehicles as gunner planes, but as you can see, no miniguns or any kind of weapon have been installed in, leaving us to assume why it has this paint job, and what was the purpose of purchasing such a massive amount of planes that would never be used until now?


Chapter 5: The moment you might have been waiting for.

Yes, it's here, the moment you've probably been waiting for, maybe not, but for the sake of this article, just pretend you've been waiting for this moment.

 The commonwealth will be forming soon.

It'll act more as a U.S.A version of Jangurupureri, whilst still maintaining much of qualities of Jangurupureri. It'll start focusing more on maintaining the peace, focus on ambitious goals within the budget, and practice ideals to be a full democracy.

If you want, you can comment down your flag design for this new variation of Jangurupureri. If the flag looks better than what I've designed, if a lot of people like your design, and/or if I can't come up with a design for one, than it will be your flag that'll be flown across the Commonwealth.

The Commonwealth will be founded on September the 27th of 2090, for time reasons, as well as the declaration of a new constitution, which will just be a modified version of the Sassikastomo Mandates, as well as a creation of a new portion of the constitution.

I hope that the Ersemakmuran Republik Monarki Demokrat Janguresian will live up to it's purpose & name, and I hope that it'll do it's very best to do what's right for the world, and for it's people.


With that announcement for a somewhat new form of government for Jangurupureri, we bid you a good morning, afternoon, evening, or night, depending on where you are, you international audience, you! 

Let us know what you think down in the comments below about the things on this transcript.

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Posted June 20, 2023 at 1:24 pm

Can we just appreciate how this person's bulletins are the best? Someone should give him an award or smthing
