Nation Bulletin

From Players to Soldiers - An Unusual Situation

When a love for sport and a drive for equality collide

By Juan Martinez
06/19/2023 09:01 pm
Updated: 06/19/2023 09:01 pm

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Solgland is a nation that, despite it's small nature, prides itself in sporting success. For a nation that is currently IFAPO World Champion, sport for many is about far more than the results of a game; it is a unifying force that brings the whole nation closer together in shared support. 

But over the last 7 days, large portions of both Solgland's national team, and prospecting SUL players, have been called up to the army in the recent militarisation, posing an intriguing moral dilemma to challenges two of the countries biggest ideals. Should footballer players be treated like everyone else and called up to fight amongst their compatriots? Or is the value they bring to the nation more important than blinding following the law of equality?

Militarisation: When Football Becomes Fighting

"no citizens including ... famous sports stars, would be considered exempt from the conscription process"

The order to militarise came over a three weeks ago now, and news of it, and the developing conflict, has dominated our headlines for all of that time. But many were surprised to hear that they could end up fighting against some of the biggest names in Solglish Football, some of the World Cup Champions following the summer. The department of Military Affairs clarified in a statement at the time that no citizens, including those famous sports stars, would be considered exempt from the conscription process, and it soon became clear that this was no exaggeration. So far, famous names such as star RB Wiktor Nowak, made famous by his contribution in the recent World Cup, and midfielder for Solg City FC Oscar Tausch, are among those who have been donning military uniforms and entering the conflict. With the SUL set to begin this summer after 2 years delay, many are fearing yet another postponement because of global events and the unavailability of players who have been called up to fight.

Fear and Danger: The Very Real Battles to Come

"Solgland's star footballers may come home permanently injured, or indeed not come home at all"

Solgland's participation in the World War has so far been mostly limited to aerial and naval attacks, with soldiers rarely involved so far. In fact, what many expected to be the first sight of conflict for Solglish troops in HAE ended up amounting to nothing, as the conflict stalled and Solglish troops withdrew. But the war is far from over, and the distinct possibility remains that large parts of Solgland's army could be called upon to take part in the fighting either closer to home or across the Atlantic. This poses the very real chance that some of Solgland's star footballers may come home permanently injured, or indeed not come home at all. So many are asking, is the risk to one of Solgland's biggest international selling points really worth it merely for the sake of a few hundred extra soldiers. 

The Debate: A Technicality That's Sparking Fiery National Discussion

In the midst of this complex situation, passionate debates have ignited across Solgland, showcasing the nation's deeply held values and conflicting sentiments. The topic appears to have become an outlet for public frustration and emotion at the war, and threatens to divide them at a time where unity is of the essence. 

Equality Over Everything: No Exceptions

"everyone must bear the burden of defending the nation"

Supporters of the conscription argue that in times of crisis, everyone must bear the burden of defending the nation, irrespective of their profession or fame. They argue that equality before the law is a cornerstone of a just society, and exempting football players from conscription would undermine this principle. It is not only about the risk it poses of encourages others to attempt to avoid conscription, but also the fundamental division it creates in the value of human life. When Solgland has come so far to remove the boundaries that are so divisive in assigning value to people and life, allowing players to avoid conscription would seem to many to be a huge step in the wrong direction, risking everything the country has work to achieve over the past 50 years. 

Pragmatism: The Value of Sport

"a pointless technicality defended purely for the sake of it."

On the other hand, those advocating for the exemption of football players emphasize the unique value they bring to the nation. Surely the success and inspiration generated by sporting achievements have immeasurable benefits for the country that far transcend what some see as a pointless technicality defended purely for the sake of it. After all, if football has the power to transcend divisions and unite people in celebration, are we not depriving the nation of a glimmer of hope and unity, for now and the future, in these already bleak times. 

In the midst: The Players Who Might Lose Everything

"the severity and circumstances of the war, in defending those who have been unjustly attacked, will embolden them"

In the midst of the public clamour, the footballers themselves find themselves torn between their duty to the nation and their passion for the sport that has brought them fame and adoration. At a time when they must face some of the most difficult situation in their lives, the uncertainty around the issue is surely far from helpful. And while every single player called up has publicly expressed their willingness to serve and fight alongside their compatriots, citing their commitment to the country's well-being, the increased pressure on them due to both their position and fame is undeniable. But the severity and circumstances of the war, in defending those who have been unjustly attacked, will embolden them. In fact, it has driven even the most vocal of pacifists among them to quietly and confidently step up to the challenge in full knowledge of the necessary nature of Solgland's actions. 

Firm But Fair: An Unrelenting Government

"we are not blind in our pursuit of equality, we prioritise the integrity of our beliefs, which is what we fight for." 

The government were quick to respond to the growing discussion, although instead of reassuring the public that the players would remain safe, they made a commitment to equality clear. Samuel Dockree himself said in a public interview today that "Equality means Equality", and he hoped the players would expect to be treated the same as their compatriots around them. When asked if he felt the government was being harsh and cold, President Dockree said "The times of war call for decisive leadership. But we are not blind in our pursuit of equality, we merely prioritise the pride of our citizens and the integrity of our beliefs, which at the end of the day is what we fight for."  He also went on the remind the public of Solgland's ORoCO scheme (Official Register of Conscientious Objectors) which allows any citizens to object for fighting, for moral, religious or personal reasons. The scheme works so well, he told us, because it protects the citizens liberties, while national pride and the effective communication of the importance and justification for conflict from the government ensure recruitment remains high. 

No Easy Answers: The Clash Between Logic And Ideals

"Equality in everyone's value to society and as an individual is the fundamental principle of socialism, and yet common sense seems to scream at us to discard it." 

This debate has no easy answer, and anyone hoping to provide one has surely failed to completely understand the difficulties it poses. Equality in everyone's value to society and as an individual is the fundamental principle of socialism, and yet common sense seems to scream at us to discard it. One thing is certain, the nation watches with bated breath, hoping for a swift resolution to the conflict that will allow players to return to the field and continue captivating the world with their skills.


Please comment your thoughts on this topical issue below, or send them in for tomorrows issue at [email protected]


Solgland Today - 12/03/2088

Juan Martinez - Opinion Columnist


Posted June 19, 2023 at 9:02 pm

I meant to post this ages ago but it took forever to write and the rp war and life got in the way. Anyway let me know your thoughts, especially if you are a socialist/communist nation, I'm genuinely stumped as to what the right solution is. 

Posted June 19, 2023 at 9:22 pm

I think you were right in doing that and my respect goes to you and them players 
