Nation Bulletin

Ok, so hear me out on this. Please just stop fighting over nothing.

This post is quite... Well, it's up for you to decide what it is quite like.

By Sun Dragon Emperor Wu Sassikastomo
06/17/2023 10:49 pm
Updated: 06/17/2023 11:42 pm

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So, you know how there's a war between the GW & the ESW, I believe, correct? Well, I honestly don't know about you, but I don't really see a reason why we should continue on this war. This may be because of my liberal mindset, but I don't see why the war should continue on when we're practically fighting for a unknown, and inconsistent cause, entirely fueled by emotion. The parties that are featured in the fighting both give two different sides of the story, so as such, could somebody please explain the full story as to what's going on, with evidence to back it up, as well as have information backed up by the people who were actually involved in the supposed crime that started this war, because from what I can tell, the information given is inconsistent, and doesn't feature any reliable reason for combatting against the different nations.


Unless somebody can explain to me why the hell we should continue fighting, I'm not going to fight anymore, and that's final.

Just tell the truth. I don't understand why in the world we have just so many inconsistences for reasons to battle if we're really going to battle.

Wouldn't it make sense to battle with proper reason? I mean, you have to choose your battles, and I'm choosing to no longer fight this particular battle because I don't see any proper or reasonable explanation for why I should, because everything provided to me regarding this conflict has been highly contrary several times, so I just want the honest truth and no more than that.

I hope this message can convince everyone to stop fighting and consider what the hell are we really doing here? Are we really here to battle for something that's actually meaningful, or are we fighting for nothing, to gain something, but ulimately gain nothing but sadness? I'm going to try to lead by example by saying, "No, I'm not going to war. It's pointless. There's nothing for me to battle for, so why battle?" Are you with me when I say, "I'm not going to war?"

I'm not going to sit in the sidelines, but I'm not going to fight. 

I'm not going to sit in the sidelines and see everyone pummel themselves for no reason, only to become sad by the end of it all. I don't anyone to be sad, and I certainly don't want people to end up making idiotic decisions like the ones I've made. I want you guys to please just stop the fighting and really consider if all of this nonsense is worth the fighting. Are you really willing to fight for something that isn't even there, that isn't even worth fighting for?

I can't force you to not fight, but I can at least try to make you consider the actions that you'll be commited, and make you ask if it is worth the mess it'll make.

Whatever it is you want from this war, there is a far better way to do it than to fight. There are peaceful ways to do it, and they'll allow you to grow better in the process, so please, don't fight, just stop the fighting.

Listen to me, everyone, if you don't have a good reason to battle, then don't battle.


Posted June 18, 2023 at 7:19 am

As long as you stay out, we're good. I'm too lazy and too busy (sorry for the rude attitude) to explain, but I hope you stay out. Things are about to get ugly.

Posted June 18, 2023 at 7:23 am

I will, things are really inconsistent with the whole information thing, and on top of this, all of this just seems emotionally driven, almost like the reason why the PIg War went on. The reason why the pig war happned was because 2 dumb, but ambitious generals, wanted to take advantage of a situation that happened in the San Juan Islands. This got so severe that the British & the Americans were going as far as go to WAR, over basically nothing!
