Nation Bulletin

I'm not going to sit in the sidelines no more.

This post is quite... Well, it's up for you to decide what it is quite like.

By Janguresian Parliamentary Broadcasting Channel (JTAL-194)
06/17/2023 05:29 pm
Updated: 06/17/2023 05:29 pm

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Date Released:

March 13, 2089weather_rain.png/June 17th, 2023beeee745ba0336cee4449fcd2dd93d453e61adc1x340.png

Format: Parliamentary Press Passage Post Format - 103, (4PF - 103).

Name Of Transcript: Is it possible that Jangurupureri may fall into a secondary civil war?

(We've decided to return back to the original format, since it appears the modern one is not so appealing to others.


For more Information regarding the JTAL-194 News Channel, click here

Owned & Operated by the JTAL Corporation & Organization.


Disclaimer: The following news reporter has translated today's news on the channel into a transcript, and many things have been edited on their part. Please consider this information when reading.

Mr. Yulagga-Mahki Suzkamoja, JTAL-194 News Reporter: 

Ello, Ello, Ello, Orbis! No, there's something that's really angering our first Sun Dragon Emperor, I'll let him tell you.

 For any questions regarding the situations talked about here, or if you're more interested about the events featured here, please go to the Janguresian Governmental Website to find out more about said events. Anyways, let’s get started with...

Let's get started with...

Chapter 1: How Could You Possible Do that, you sickos?

Wu Sassikastomo has a lot to say!

Look, I'm guilty as much as the next guy when I say I had imperialist tendencies too. I understand wanting to gain more land, and more territory, I really do, but I tried a different form of Imperialism. Monetary Imperialism. It's the idea of gaining land far and square by purchasing the lands from the original owners. Not only does this method allow you to be cautious with the amount of land you wish to own, but also allows you to make sure that the consent of the original holders is there, it's why I was able to acquire land from both the Chittagong & Zullimanistan without any repercussions, like war. In my opinion, a proper nation should try to make peace with a decision, whilst also acquiring some portion of what they wanted. If the nation doesn't try to at least make peace, or come to a conclusion that both parties can at least agree on, than that is not really a proper nation. In my opinion, a nation should be cautious, since messing with others will also grant others the pass to mess with you. The fact that these nations were planning to hit our protector, Dauchh Palki, and our well-known trading partner, New Olyzstyn, as they wanted to enjoy some free time from the game and go on vacation, is appalling to me. The fact that you guys were willing to abuse those other countries because they would be AFK during this time, likely attempting to conquer more land, angers me. HOW COULD ANYONE BE SO SELFISH THAT THEY'RE WILLING TO GO SO FAR AS STAB PEOPLE IN THE DAMN BACK JUST TO ACHIEVE THEIR DAMN DREAMS?

You f#2$@#! sickos, you. You know who you are. We now have the right, and the reasoning, to attack you. You mess with our pals, our friends, and our partners, we mess with your pals, your friends, and your partners. It only makes logicial sense, does it not? I'm fired up, and so is the nationalist side. Yaun's even appalled by this discovery, and Yaun has done several war crimes. We're the Janguresian United Front, and we now have the rhyme of reason to risk it all. This is what I mean't by risking it all can sometimes be applicable. If it's to help somebody that you care out, than I believe risking it all is in order, and I care alot about Olyzstyn & Dauchh. They're my pals, my friends, and trade partners, and I won't just stand in the sidelines, seeing them get pummeled by sickos that already have everything that anyone would possibly want. I just won't stand for it, ya hear!?

[DOW] Let's Dance | Politics and War

Hey Hey Hey, it's the bonus section.

On other words, Janguresian Military Officers are now requesting permission to reach into Zullimanistani Air Space. The reason is to help Zullimanistan hold down the line, and to send troops over to Zullimanistan for further instructions, likely by the Zullimanistani Royal Army. We'll start sending about 120k of our Striking Shanyang Army fleet over. If neccessary, we'll even send about half of the Royal Beisang Fleet, half of the Royal Tianteng Fleet over, and half of the Striking Shanyang Army over, making it a total of 435k army members being called in if things go ary.

Both the nationalists & the monarchists agree that this is now of the highest importance, as we would rather end it all, knowing we tried to do something good for the rest of the world.

The nation will prevail, and it will with flying colors, cause NOBODY tries to hurt our pals and get away with it.

Address: Shalkobbanack Avenue, 19445, St. Itihas Vol Kowida.
 Times open - (09:30) - (21:35).



Posted June 18, 2023 at 1:32 am

were planning to hit our protector, Dauchh Palki, and our well-known trading partner, New Olyzstyn

Not exactly the most accurate of statements

Posted June 18, 2023 at 1:35 am

I mean, if it isn't exactly the most accurate of statements, prove it. I want to see evidence that's more incriminating than this:
