Nation Bulletin

The nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail.

This post is quite... Well, it's up for you to decide what it is quite like.

By JTAL-194
06/17/2023 04:45 pm
Updated: 06/17/2023 04:45 pm

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Date Released:

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Format: Parliamentary Press Passage Post Format - 103, (4PF - 103).

Name Of Transcript: War, what is it good for? Jangurupureri starts mobilizing towards the European theatre after RoDevs declares war on ISP, What our nation's main leader thinks of this, and the possibility of a civil war starts rising extremely after attempts to calm it down.

(We've decided to return back to the original format, since it appears the modern one is not so appealing to others.)


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Disclaimer: The following news reporter has translated today's news on the channel into a transcript, and many things have been edited on their part. Please consider this information when reading.

Mr. Yulagga-Mahki Suzkamoja, JTAL-194 News Reporter: 

Ello, Ello, Ello, Orbis! So, you're probably wondering, "Why is Jangurupureri mobilizing into the European Theatre?" It's because it was roped into it. Let me explain further, and how this roping in has caused an severe point where it seems that a civil war may happen soon.

 For any questions regarding the situations talked about here, or if you're more interested about the events featured here, please go to the Janguresian Governmental Website to find out more about said events. Anyways, let’s get started with...

Let's get started with...

Chapter 1: This ain't good.

Jangurupureri has been trying to focus primarily on itself rather than other nations because as the saying goes, "you can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself." As such, it's been trying to avoid as much conflict as possible; however, following the declaration of war by the Second Empire Of RoDevs, Jangurupureri was forced to do something, mostly because it risks losing any protection that's been granted to them by the GW. As such, Janguresian military advisor Yuli Romanov has announced that Jangurupureri shall enter the war.

He said the following:

"The protection of our nation, as well as the care of the nation & it's people are of the highest priority. To lose this protection would mean to risk losing our people. As such, the Regiment & I have decided to have our nation go into war along with the other GW members. I know our nation's at risk of a civil war, but like the reason why the Chinese United Front was a thing, we need to stay united to help defend the fatherland. May god save us all, and may he bid mercy on our souls."


Following the declaration of war, Janguresian military forces have been up all day & night, getting ready to travel half-way across the world to start doing something to help the GW-front; however, there is a major problem to this. The nationalists have agreed to signing a pact, called the JaUnFr, or the Janguresian United Front, to help in the battle. After the war ends, the nationalists & the monarchists plan on creating the Persemakmuran Republik Monarki Demokrat Janguresian , a supposed ideal for a trans-continental commonwealth, where there could be different dominions under both the Crown & the Head of State, a Democratic Monarchist Commonwealth. We'll see, but honestly, I don't quite know how in the world something like that could ever even happen, but ehh, this is a weird time for the country. Weird time, indeed.

Map of what the Regiment's up against:


Chapter 2: What does our nation's leader think of this?

Wu Sassikastomo believes that this declaration of war will be the end of the country. While, yes, Wu does believe that there are times that take risks, at the same time, this particular risk could possibly ruin the country, it's people, and even the country's dignity. Even if the GW does win the war, the nation could be even more battered that it was previously. While the nation has been facing conflict, there hasn't been any large power that they had to take on before, like Sedrosia. Since Sedrosia is of the closest proximity, and because Sedrosia is so large, he imagines that it couldn't possibly have a weak military. In fact, the whole reason why Jangurupureri is still a thing to this day is because of Janguresian Diplomatic Policy, which is to basically make as much positive relations as much as possible. This makes it more difficult for the nation to collapse, since now it would also possibly involve ally intervention. 

Even though Jangurupureri is in the Himalayas, which was the thing that saved the original Nepal from becoming part of the Raj, technology has evolved further, where now, Jangurupureri could possibly get so far as nuked, blowing away possibly a mere 6 million in a matter of seconds. He fears that if the nation is to declare war on ISP, that his dream of creating a nation that could continue to grow, and support, rather than fall & be the reason for war, would be lost, that the idea of creating a nation of peace & growth, a nation that no longer has to face the effects of the traumatic Free State Of Nepal period, would be lost.

Wu hopes that whatever happens, that the nation can someday recover, and even if Jangurupureri doesn't exist anymore, it hopes that whatever takes it's place will be able to protect it's people, and seek to help, rather than trouble.

Chapter 3: How this affects the current possibility of Civil War.

Since Janguresian military soldiers are now being called elsewhere, there have been more nationalist attacks on different buildings, including an attempt to break into the main Parliamentary building in St. Itihas Vol Kowida's Parliamentary Park.

If the nationalists take advantage of this situation, they could possibly take the more unsupervised portion of the nation over, and then proceed to take over the rest of Jangurupureri. This, however, would require all the military to leave, which judging from the fact that they're currently at war, according to the Regiment, and the fact that civil war is on the horizon, they'll probably have a good amount of military personnel. Still, despite all this, the attacks on government buildings has prompted the police to arrest with force, if necessary (but not kill). The government does allow for protests, but they prefer it if people who are wishing for change to do so peacefully, or at least do something that won't have the possibility to kill people!

Commonwealth banners have been flying all about in the streets, with people telling the nation that the nation will prevail, the nation will seek a better light, and that light being a braver nation, a nation that'll do anything for it's people.

God save Jangurupureri, for no one else can.


Chapter 4: A Wu Intervention

"NO NO NO, you know what, you want me to get risky so much, well, here I go! I don't want to deal with this dang conflict. No matter if those nations are supposed "land-grabbers," I will not put myself and others at risk just because somebody else told me to! If you really want me to be serious here, I will. This war seems to only be out of personal gain & personal rivalries! I will not send any troops out to risk their lives for something that doesn't even benefit anyone. Even if Jangurupureri does gain more land if we contribute, would we not have blood on our hands, that would prove that the very thing we stood for, was for not?

I'm not gonna do it, and I don't care who the f%#@ tells me to go to war, I'm not doing it. I'm not going to risk everything over somebody's personal grudge. Sure, I'm a GW member, and sure, I will have to contribute, but the only way I'll contribute to this war is the supply of war materials. Otherwise, I'm not going to send my military out there to get slaughtered while we have more pressing matters, like making sure that the country is safe again, and the rebuilding of the country.

Scold me for all I care. I'm not going out there to slaughter more or have more get slaughtered while we ourselves have several issues that need to be addressed, issues that are more important for the safety & reliability of the nation towards others, than this war. What will we even gain from this war? Even if we do win, what's the outcome? Millions dead, nuclear fallout, what is it? We win, but what'll be the cost of all this? Everything comes at a cost, even if you're not willing to accept it."

The nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail,the nation will prevail,the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail,the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail, the nation will prevail.

Address: Shalkobbanack Avenue, 19445, St. Itihas Vol Kowida.
 Times open - (09:30) - (21:35).



Posted June 18, 2023 at 12:50 am
