Nation Bulletin

Secondary Civil War?

This post is quite... Well, it\\\'s up for you to decide what it is quite like.

By JTAL-194
06/17/2023 02:59 am
Updated: 06/17/2023 02:59 am

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Date Released:

March 13, 2089weather_rain.png/June 17th, 2023beeee745ba0336cee4449fcd2dd93d453e61adc1x340.png

Format: Parliamentary Press Passage Post Format - 103, (4PF - 103).

Name Of Transcript: Is it possible that Jangurupureri may fall into a secondary civil war?

(We've decided to return back to the original format, since it appears the modern one is not so appealing to others.


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Disclaimer: The following news reporter has translated today's news on the channel into a transcript, and many things have been edited on their part. Please consider this information when reading.

Mr. Yulagga-Mahki Suzkamoja, JTAL-194 News Reporter: 

Ello, Ello, Ello, Orbis! Can I be honest with you? Today's news is heartbreaking to me, and I'm even more ashamed that this is the route our nation's ending up.

 For any questions regarding the situations talked about here, or if you're more interested about the events featured here, please go to the Janguresian Governmental Website to find out more about said events. Anyways, let’s get started with...

Let's get started with...

The Main Event.

So, let me explain what's going on. As you may, or may not know, there was a period of time where our news station didn't air anything internationally. You want to know why this was the case? We were facing a regional conflict of the sorts. It was so bad, that we had to leave our previous alliance, the Order of the Red Lotus, because we felt as if we continued with the ORL, we wouldn't be able to improve ourselves on account of having to get involved in several different wars. This caused a stagnant period of our nation, our nation's Age of Humiliation, if you will. It was a period of time where we had faced terrible damage to our cities, losing lives, and having to focus more regionally than usual. That reason was why we didn't post news internationally. Recently, the Janguresian Parliament changed the flag to a more serious-looking version of the flag; however, this age is also possible the point where a civil conflict could happen.

After facing this age of humiliation, Jangurupureri is starting to rebuild itself again as an oil-based economy; however, there were recently terrorists attacks by nationalists, who recently attacked the Rvisika Technologies Headquarters. The reason why they did this is complicated; however, if you remember, there is a Council Of Sun Dragon Emperors. The Amaanullah Brothers are part of this council, and as such, they play a major role in Janguresian politics. They also own the Rvisika Technologies corporation, as well. This is the most likely explanation as to why the nationalists attacked the Headquarters; however, not much information has been uncovered as of now. Police there; however, did stumble upon this piece of paper:


Janguresian Police Forces are worried as to what the nationalists are planning, cause if they assume correctly, they believe that the nationalists may be planning a coup of the government. Perhaps, even, an imperialist coup, judging from the fact that you can see the outlines of the original lands of the nation in the southeastern portion of this supposed map of what they want.

Nationalist & Former Staraibangai leader, Yuak Shanquilia, has spoken out, telling the nation this: "Jangurupureri is weak, it's government is incompetent, and the promises they promised us have been for not! How they let our glorious land get battered around like a punching bag! The Janguresian government wishes to be useful, but does NOTHING to be useful! Why must we have such a terrible government, a government that can't seem to do s$@$? A government that tries, but always fails? Think about it? Our nation's citizens are traumiziated, humiliated, and what is our government doing about it? D%@! NOTHING! You think they would do something, right? If our government truly cared at all about the people, they wouldn't be such w@$!$@s about it, and they would actually try to risk it all for a change!" 

(Paragraph was shorten for content reasons.)

This has radicalized many in the nation into believing that the government doesn't care about it's citizens, and ultimately wanting to grant Jangurupureri it's dignity back. The police believe that speech and these plans are plans for a possible imperialist Jangurupureri. As such, The Council, Parliament, and Branches of Government have all told their military personnel to be ready for war, and to tell news stations like us to help tell the people the truth about the nation's situation, and what the government is actually doing, so we'll tell you.

Jangurupureri, itself, isn't a new contender for imperialism. In fact, Jangurupureri is kind of still imperialistic; however, with their form of imperialism is far different. We would describe their kind of imperialism as monetary imperialism, or the wanting to exert power over large areas of land by purchasing said lands. Because of this, people in the lands which were brought by Jangurupureri could still be treated as if they were still in their original country, allowing those people to still follow many of the laws of their previous country if they so wish to do so. This is why the provinces that were brought are still under Janguresian control. While Imperialism as a whole is terrible, according to what we could tell, Janguresian monetary imperialism wasn't as bad as what these nationalist's form of imperialism is. The nationalist's form of imperialism is very similar to that of imperialist Japan. They want to take over as much land as possible; however, they only want to take lands which they find useful & what they can reach in a small matter of time from the original lands that they had before an imperialist attack.

For example, T'seulia's a perfect example of Janguresian monetary imperialism, and especially the way it's designed, as well. Ever noticed how the western side appears much more developed than the east? This is because the western side is closest to Jangurupureri, which would allow for trade between T'seulia & Jangurupureri to take far less time, as well as bring profits home much faster; however, Janguresian monetary imperialism considered many things into account for the purchase of these islands. The islands of T'seulia were purposefully purchased because they aren't too far from any great trading point, and because it wouldn't severally threaten any other country's form of trade either. On top of this, but they also require the permission of other countries for the annexation of these lands, which means that they take with consent.


For this reason, this is why Jangurupureri has been purchasing it's lands. After the whole Old Bhutania situation, they know now that taking land without consent will probably severally infuriate all countries that also hold claims to the lands, possibly bringing it to a war with those countries, or worse. They still wanted to expand their power; however, they've been trying to do so peacefully. On top of this, but why in the world do you think Jangurupureri turned into an oil economy. Thanks to allied nations giving the Janguresian government advice, (thanks Dauchh, many of the members in the ORL, and the OUN!) they've been able to grow themselves as a nation better. Because their allies have faced far more things in Orbis than the Janguresian Government has, they've been able to help Jangurupureri learn how to grow as a nation, and Jangurupureri has even learned from their enemies, and from their mistakes. When one of the ORL members recommended that Jangurupureri should become an oil economy, it did so, because of trust. Now, the economy's able to produce 4 million USD, in about a week or two.

In my personal opinion, what Jangurupureri is currently doing, while it may be slow, is smarter than just risking it all. Imagine you just won 1 million dollars, right? Would you A. spend it all on fancy luxuries, or B. would you save the money so you can spend much of it on fancy luxuries, and still have a lot left over for more? I would imagine B, since you would be able to continue having millions. Risking it all isn't the best course of action all the time. There are certain situations that may require risking it all; however, to grow is to learn from mistakes, not make new mistakes or the same ones again. Jangurupureri hasn't been risking it all, but that's because it's cautious. It tries to learn from it's mistakes and try again. This is why the nation hasn't given up on it's people, because it knows that there will be a time where things will be better again. We got through a civil war, an economic crash, and we've been able to help other nations, like the Altantic Islands & Rhodesia. We may not be the most powerful nation, we may not be the largest, but we're sure trying to be a nation as best as we can, so for that, I hope Jangurupureri doesn't fall into conflict again.

That's why I fear for the collapse of this nation, and I bet our international audience may fear so to. It's a nation that was birthed to help it's people become better people, to learn from the mistakes from the totalitarian state that was the Free State Of Nepal, and look towards a better future, one that will be built on by every hand in the Janguresian populous, native or not. It's whole purpose is to help others, and help others it's doing, as much as possible.

Others are also not very happy about this situation, for instance, the JDMM is concerned about the usage of the JDMM's MAKE THE BLUE JUMP, JP flag, a flag that was created to represent the peaceful transition from monarchist union to a fully democratic union. They're currently suing the nationalists for stealing their flag. For reference, this is the poster they have about the whole democratic movement thing, and this is the flag that the nationalists are using:


Notice any similarities? Yea, the blue stripes are roughly the same, and the yellow & white canton siloutte of the UMRJ's 3 political party banner, the famous one, is featured as well. To put it simply, the Commonwealth flag that the nationalists are posing is also quite... how could I put this into words that will still allow me to feed myself... Oh yea, quite like your average Karen. Taking things that aren't theirs, and proceeding to claim it as theirs even though they don't even have the consent of the person who ACTUALLY made it.

To put it simply; however, I don't wish for a civil war to happen, and I don't think anyone else in the nation wants one, too, since we already experienced 2 civil wars in the last half a decade, (in Orbis Time.) and honestly, I don't think we have the energy to continue fighting each other. It's honestly getting kind of ridiculous if anything. Oh boy, I'm going to have to tell T.B a lot when she comes back here, that is, if the nationalist's idea of a Jangurupureri doesn't break our nation in half by the time she gets back. I hope T.B's having a good vacation, cause she's really going to have to prepare for the s%#@ we've been dealing back home like crazy.

Also, the nationalists aren't alone in this feeling that something's been majorly been lost in our nation. The Janguresian Government actually has a message for you all before we close it off for the night.

Wu Sassikastomo, Head Council Member & Sun Dragon Emperor of the United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri, responding to the speech held by Yaun:

"I'm so sorry that my administration hasn't been able to provide to you all the nation that you all so wish for Jangurupureri to be. We also believe that something needs to be done; however, I'm not willing to risk entire people's lives for the dignity of a nation. We can reclaim our dignity back without risking our lives like turtles at birth. We can earn it back if we try to work smarter, and try to cooperate on trying to give ourselves a better future. I don't care if I'm called a crybaby, or a even a w@#%y. Risks can be important, just as much as anything else, but you have to know when to risk something and when not to risk something, and if something requires risking somebody's life, then I'm not going to do it, and I don't expect anyone else in my administration to do the same; however, these are my beliefs, and the beliefs of some of my friends, family, and colleagues. While the Commonwealth is already something that my administration & the JDMM are working towards, the transition to a democratic government takes time. If we don't make the proper rules, reforms, market changes, changes to society, and several other things, we won't be able to achieve a peaceful transition towards democracy... We don't need people to uphold the dignity of the nation by doing nonsensical things, like imperialism. If you want to uphold the dignity of the nation, just contribute to society & try to make positive changes in our nation, like try to create more jobs by opening up a business, or try to offer services to your local neighborhood, just whatever you do, make smart decisions! The best kind of life, in my opinion, is a smart life, one where you can decide for yourself what truly matters for you, and what you can set yourself up to be."

Wu would also like to say something else before we end off the broadcast here:

"Yaun, this is honestly just getting ridiculous. I'm pretty sure that this is literally the second time that you've committed something that's pretty heinous. I mean, I don't know what to tell you, man, but this is honestly just insane. Thank goodness that nobody was killed in any of your attacks. I should had just finished the trial, there and then. I'm afraid that what you've been doing is so illegal, we may have to throw you into prison, like, actual prison. Almost nobody in the nation ever goes to prison. Often times, they just go to rehabilitation, but you've literally hurt one of our top military advisors, and attempted to harm one of the Councilmembers of the Council of Sun Dragon Emperors! Have you no shame?"

And with that colloquy from the main Sun Dragon Emperor of our nation, we put an end to today's news broadcast. Hopefully, this whole threat of a civil war just blows away, but honestly, Yaun can be quite insane, a bit too much, don't you think? I also just only learnt about any kind of Janguresian imperialism that was before these days, so that's also interesting.

Honestly, if you want a summary of what I think of this event, which you probably don't want to know, here's the song that I immediately thought of after looking back at the transcript, about the parts that include the nationalists. Yea, they're absolutely bonkers.

Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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