Nation Bulletin

Nebelystan population to double in 10 years; babies to nourish!

"It's not an issue — it's an advantage"

By Kailan Fischer
06/16/2023 05:28 pm
Updated: 06/16/2023 05:28 pm

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Over the years, Nebelystan's law of exponentially additional money per child made some Nebelonians interested to make kids not just for money but..... no, that's actually it. But many wanted a large family since it's Nebelonian culture to have a large family, not to mention the religion recommends it for a couple to enjoy pleasure together. It's a blessed thing in the nation too. 


However, the population seems to double in the future. From what we know as 2.5 children per family will eventually increase to 5 children per family. So much so deaths are not regarded as a threat for the nation's population declination but other disasters. From a personal interview with the Kaiser Nebel, we've been told many new homes will be build as skyscrapers and as one-family houses but built for small, medium, large, and extra large families.


Many people have claimed this will result into an unfixble issue, however, the Emperor said this was planned and it would help the nation and the economy will grow more because of the nation's immaculate education system and work opportunities.


All in all, we'll be expecting many new faces in Nebelystan. Quite a lot of new faces!


Posted June 16, 2023 at 6:31 pm

Great I guess

Posted June 16, 2023 at 7:35 pm

Keep those people happy and watch out for insurgents 

Posted June 16, 2023 at 8:54 pm

Oh nice you're back! 

Posted June 17, 2023 at 4:14 am

its baby making time
