Nation Bulletin

Chinese government seeks to crack down toxic food

Republic of China tackles health dangers

By Taiwan times
08/08/2021 05:14 am
Updated: 08/08/2021 05:14 am

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Recently the Chinese government voted on laws to cut down on toxic and downright dangerous habits restaurants and food factories have been doing for way to long, Both small big.

This includes but is not limited to. . . uh human waste, used oils sewer oil and other heavy metals allowed to be put in, Or at the least not punished for it.

Recently since the law has gone into effect the Chinese government has pledged several billion dollars to punishing anyone found selling harmful food.

In a statement from Chang Huang he said “This crap has been a stain on China for way to long, When i buy food and eat it as the president i am almost always happy knowing that i am not really eating a rat, or the chicken if full of toxic stuff that could kill me, No Chinese person rich or poor should have to get sick or die just because he bought a bowl of soup full of rat poo, Or went to the store and turned out he was eating crap that had heavy metal in it.

That is why i support this bill and to anyone in government who is not in favor of this bill or down right counter it i will make sure that they face the Chinese people for what they have done, Both them and the cheap or downright evil people who have done this to the Chinese people for decades now, NO MORE! I SAY NO MORE OF THIS!"

It was reported that after this comment rumors have came up that he threw a glass at another person in government after he told him to calm down, however Taiwan news Today can not say if this is true or not at the present time.

Some Chinese people are worried that only the small ma and pa shops will be targeted while the larger more powerful will get off scoot free, However that remains to me seen while others see this as a start of the many needed reforms to bring China into a golden age.

_Taiwan News Today 


Posted August 09, 2021 at 3:45 am

you want sterilizers, we can give,

just destroy the toxic food

Posted August 09, 2021 at 6:56 am

The Republic of China will also not allow GMOS. dirty foods are now 100% illegal. 
