Nation Bulletin

A Grand Return.

January 5th, 2089. Guess who's back, back again.

By Belgrade Post.
06/11/2023 07:19 pm
Updated: 06/11/2023 07:19 pm

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Above: The flag of the Soviet Federation flying over the mountains on new years eve. 

New Railroad Project on it's way to being finished.

Below, Top: Soviet Trainyard in Novosibirsk.

Below, Bottom: Map of the Russian Railroad.



The Russian Railroad Project is on it's to being built. It will be one of the largest Railroads in Orbis and hopefully it will become the largest one. The Soviet Federation is making an offer to neighboring countries to accept the Railroad into their countries. They don't have to pay for anything, leave that to the Soviet Federation. If you want the Railroad pls comment below or DM me. Make sure you make a map of where you want the Railroad to be.


New Urbanization Project being planned.

Bottom: Subway station in New Belgrade.


This project is to bring up the standard living conditions by 11%. Not only will this increase better living conditions but will also increase tourism and allow Soviet architects to be more creative in how they design their buildings.

Operation ZOV.

Bottom: Soviet Artillery firing on NDOO fortifications.


Few gains have been made in Northern Rodevs as Soviet and RRA forces wait in trenches and other such fortifications waiting for any potential strikes from the NDOO. Soviet Humanitarian aid continues to arrive in the Liberated Regions of Rodevs such as cities like Los Angeles. Constant bombardments all over Cascadia from Soviet artillery or airstrikes. However recent interceptions from new NDOO aircraft has made General Zhukov concerned has recently ordered for Soviet Anti-Air Defense Systems to be supplied to the Operation. Hopefully by 2090, Operation ZOV will be over. 


The Success of the Peacekeeping Operation in Zenteka and the Establishment of the Soviet Peace Corps.

Bottom: Soviet Peacekeeper near the Zentekan borders.


With the overwhelming success of the Peacekeeping operation in Zenteka, the Soviet Government has established the Soviet Peace Corps. An entity that doesn't answer to the Soviet Government but instead answers to the OUNC. Meaning SPC cannot be deployed unless the OUNSC deems it necessary for them to be deployed. The Soviet Federation would also like to urge everyone else to establish their own Peacekeeping Corps for when the need arrives.


New Trade Deals.

The Soviet Federation has made a new trade deals that are available for everyone.

1 Barrel of Oil for $60.

1 Ton of Munitions for $1,100

1 Ton of Grain for $750

1 Ton of Iron for $1,100

1 Ton of Steel for $2,000

1 Ton of Uranium for $3,200

That's all for now. (Rp trade deals not actual trade deals, however am planning doing something like that pretty soon)


Selling Mozambique.

The Nation of Mozambique is being sold for the highest bidder. So there will be a literal Auction on Discord. So be sure to online today.


More Soviet Expansion into the South East.

The Soviet Government has deemed it necessary to expand further East and South in order to maintain a stronger position in both terms of power and influence as well as more access to rich resources and establishing borders with none hostile nations such as Hunton.


New Battle Flags of the Soviet Federation. The Modern Flags of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Czech, Slovakia, and China will be the battle flags of the Soviet Federation and they will also be on uniforms of Soviet soldiers. 


2089 Elections kicking off.

The Elections of 2089 will be the first election since the start of the Soviet Federation which was was all the way back in 2085. The Battle between the Soviet party and the Socialist party will be extremely interesting to watch but hopefully President Spetz Rostev will be able to keep his seat.


New Car from Lada Locomotives.

Here we have a new care from Lada Locomotives known as the Dosier. For only $4.6k There 400,000 these currently in use however many more are on the way.

Lada Dosier 2089.


Posted June 11, 2023 at 8:29 pm

I'm actually interested in buying Mozambique

Posted June 12, 2023 at 12:45 am

Very interesting comrade 

Posted June 12, 2023 at 5:01 am

Happy New Year


Posted June 12, 2023 at 11:48 am

