Nation Bulletin

Seattle Conference

The Unification of the West Coast

By Cable News Network
08/07/2021 07:44 pm
Updated: 08/07/2021 07:44 pm

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The Seattle Conference


Following the unlawful landing on the American continent by hostile foreign forces, the Governor of California called upon the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Arizona for an emergency meeting in Seattle, the largest city in the state of Washington, for a proposal to reunify the West Coast of the former United States of America into a new Federation under the official name: Pacific States of America (PSA).


While the proposal is for security reasons, it would feature a comprehensive Federal Government responsible for the branches of military, the economy of the Federation and the long-term political agenda of every state in the federation, and while the decision to reunify 1/3rd of the former United States has gained approval from every Governor represented, it remains to be seen whether or not the citizens of these respective states would approve of reunification, with public voting commencing in a few hours.


The capital proposed for this new Federation of States will be in the Sacramento, located in the State of California, the city of Sacramento will be repurposed and rebuilt into a Federal District not so different from Washington D.C, the capital of the former United States of America, with the biggest state in the union being the state of California, leading in both population and economics, a Governor - President system has been confirmed to still be active in the proposal.




Posted August 07, 2021 at 11:46 am


Posted August 07, 2021 at 5:56 pm

Epic, continue to unite the coast and resist the foreign forces. We will support you 

Posted August 09, 2021 at 6:23 pm

Awesome! Is there a plan to reform the Continental United States?

Posted August 13, 2021 at 6:26 am

are their surfing opportunities for diplomatic envoys on the West Coast and talent shows for surf, weather and tsunami reports as well as beach festivals for cultural exchange festivals and fact finding missions to Hawaiian volcanos for Avarian cloaking devices studies and triathalon scholarships? What do Alaskan para rescue ‘Spartan’ life savers think of this proposal when ‘dropping in from the ice’ for a warmer weather report of Pacific States weather and surf carnival proposals? Can we expect a re-constituted West Coast Great White Warclouds and Rainbows technology fleet demonstration cruise?
