Nation Bulletin

As the year ends (In Orbis Time), plans for the proposed economic hub of T'seulia start to form, awaiting PREI approval.

Economic Hub & Kingdom, T'seulia, begins to plan out designs for the construction of the economic hub & kingdom, but is currently awaiting Chittagong approval, as this could pose problems.

By Janguresian Parliamentary Broadcasting Channel (JTAL-194)
06/09/2023 12:17 pm
Updated: 06/09/2023 12:57 pm

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Date Released:
December 12, 2088snowman.png/June 9th, 2023beeee745ba0336cee4449fcd2dd93d453e61adc1x478.png

Format: Parliamentary Press Passage Post Format - 103, (4PF - 103).

Name Of Transcript: Approval Rating Results; As the year ends, plans for the proposed economic hub of T'seulia start to form, awaiting PREI approval; T'seulia plans out it's economy; T'seulia's new anthem.

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Disclaimer: The following news reporter has translated today's news on the channel into a transcript, and many things have been edited on their part. Please consider this when assuming what was on the channel and what was really just edited for this specific series of events, placed within these transcripts.

Ms. Taliialuxia Baraolivasiva, JTAL-194 News Reporter: 

Hiya Orbis! Ms. T.B here, and I'll be talking about how T'seulia is planning out it's infrastructure & economy to prepare for the task of becoming an economic hub, and T'seulia has gotten itself a new anthem, courtesy of the PREI, or otherwise known as the Chittagong State.

 For any questions regarding the situations talked on about here, or if you're more interested about the events featured here, please go to the Janguresian Governmental Website to find out more about said events. Anyways, let’s get started with...

Chapter 1: T'seulia Trouble #1: Planning Out Infrastructure.

Recently, the Janguresian Government has put together a (lazy) rough sketch as to what the kingdom's infrastructure may look like to planning. Janguresian Construction companies had a tough time sketching out the area due to the border line between it; however, since this is simply a rough sketch, the Janguresian Government doesn't quite mind, and told the construction companies that the line wouldn't be as important, since the Janguresian Government plans on dividing the island into more of reasonable & sensible lines than simply long, straight, and random lines.

Still, this is what they've submitted as a rough sketch to the Janguresian Government, and so far, it's already really ambitious, but is insanely low detailed. These construction companies had said that they first wanted to work on the western side of the island, since it's the closest to the Janguresian Mainland. They told the government that certain things had been planned out, including roads & bridges. Many of the bridges in T'seulia will be built to accommodate for boats, which means that many of these bridges will be built as drawbridges, including the Manihari Sahibgani Bridge, the longest bridge that was proposed to be built as a bridge to connect the Western parts of the river to the island. There were also proposals for 'Hanging' lands. These hanging lands are inspired by the geographic hanging roads that were built in Jangurupureri; however, since these islands don't really have any kind of a mountain, or high platform, many of these platforms would have to be built like a bridge, with strong steel cords & columns. The hanging lands are a way to make sure that these lands wouldn't harm the ecosystem, nor diminish the sacred Ganges River, and would likely require a huge amount of the mainland island to be able to better sustain itself, as shown in this image. There are also plans to add smaller cities into these islands, as the areas where new cities would be planned would create this supposed "Lake Of Gold." This term was coined to describe the large river passage between the main island & about 5 of the other islands. They also plan creating the "River of Gold" to the Eastern half of the island; however, due to complications with the line that originally divided the island up between Jharkhand & Bihar, as they stated before, they only started to plan out the Western side of the island since it's closer to Jangurupureri than the Eastern side. Since T'seulia is also a unification of different kingdoms, which are considered provinces now in T'seulia, these provinces decided to plan out which parts of the island will go to which province.

On top of that, since the Ganges River is a holy river, but is also unfortunately a polluted river, both the government of the Chittagong State & the Janguresian Government will work on cleaning the river, since it doesn't make sense to have such a vital and important river of culture & religion be the cause of illness for those who drink it, and so, many construction workers had figured that maybe the Hanging lands could serve as purifiers, to purify the water and start cleaning up the water more.


Chapter 2: T'seulia Trouble #2: Economy.

T'seulia's case in terms of economy is interesting, because it already knows that the strongest industry that it'll built upon is Oil & Construction; however, it wants to diversify its industry. See, if T'seulia only did two industries, this may not play out as well for T'seulia's economy, and so, officials from Jangurupureri wished to discuss this diversification of industries with the province emperors, and some of the economies that they considered was an agricultural industry, due to the agricultural history of the island, as well as filming, technology, software, transportation, energy, biotechnology, and education industries for the kingdom. All of the province leaders believed that these industries would be able to further improve T'seulia's overall possibilities of grand economic development.

According to what Janguresian Officials & T'seulian Provincial Emperors agreed upon, and what they wish for the future of T'seulia, this is an image of Bangkok, and both Janguresian Officials and T'seulian Provincial Emperors agreed that they will work to have this be the spitting image of a prospering kingdom, what T'seulia will be.


Chapter 3: T'seulia Trouble #3: Anthems.

T'seulian Provincial Emperors have been at a loss for words, as they couldn't figure out an anthem proper towards the union of kingdoms that this island is set upon, and as such, they've asked the Janguresian Government to help them find an anthem, where the Janguresian Government proceeded to ask the Chittagong State for help finding an anthem, and the Chittagong had given them an anthem that was fitting of the ideas of the island, which is a song named Gahana Kusuma Kunja Majhe, which is a devotional song. This anthem was made by Rabindranath Tagore, the first Asian nobel prize winner, with his nobel prize being a nobel prize for Literature, and the second non-European nobel prize winner. 

Here is the new anthem of T'seulia, courtesy of the Chittagong State: 


And with that interesting end to a news broadcast focused entirely on T'seulia, we'll close off the news report for today with a interesting look at our nation's policies and politics, and we'll bid you a pleasent rest of the week, as we start to enter into the summer time. We'll start opening up whatever small lake beaches we have when June arrives. We'll hope everyone a great day!

Thank you for watching our news for today, and if you wish to get a paper copy of this, you can check out our website, or sign up to receive papers of this news by mailing us at this address!

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 Times open - (09:30) - (21:35).


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