Nation Bulletin

Lux Tenebrism, Maddomainia's Mandated Religion

Lux Tenebrism, the prominent and mandated religion in the Republic of Maddomainia, is a unique belief system that combines elements of spirituality and introspection.

By President Rein Dvorak
05/30/2023 04:59 am
Updated: 05/30/2023 04:59 am

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Lux Tenebrism, the prominent and mandated religion in the Republic of Maddomainia, is a unique belief system that combines elements of spirituality, introspection, and the interplay between light and darkness. The religion draws its roots from ancient mystical practices and has evolved over centuries to become the guiding spiritual path for the Maddomainian people.

At its core, Lux Tenebrism seeks to explore the duality and harmony between light and darkness, viewing them as complementary forces rather than opposing entities. The followers of Lux Tenebrism believe that true enlightenment and self-discovery can only be achieved by embracing both the radiant light and the mysterious shadows within themselves.

Unique Aspects of Lux Tenebrism:

The Dance of Illumination: Lux Tenebrism places a significant emphasis on rituals and ceremonies that celebrate the interplay of light and darkness. One of the most distinctive practices is the Dance of Illumination, a mesmerizing performance in which devotees use intricate movements and synchronized choreography to symbolize the harmony between light and darkness.

Temples of Radiant Shadows: Lux Tenebrism places great importance on sacred spaces called Temples of Radiant Shadows. These architectural marvels are characterized by their unique design, which incorporates both expansive areas filled with natural light and dimly lit chambers that symbolize the embrace of darkness. These temples serve as places of contemplation, meditation, and communal worship.

Seekers of Luminous Balance: Lux Tenebrism believes in the concept of Seekers of Luminous Balance, individuals who strive to achieve harmony within themselves and in their relationships with others. These seekers dedicate their lives to understanding the delicate equilibrium between opposing forces and promoting compassion, empathy, and balance in all aspects of life.


Other religions in Maddomainia:

Before Maddomainia began mandating religion in Maddomainia, the nation's populace were large believers of:

Solaraism: Solaraism is a sun-worshipping religion that venerates the power and energy of the sun as the source of life and enlightenment. Followers engage in solar rituals and ceremonies, expressing their gratitude and seeking guidance from the sun deity. Maddomainia's current flag is believed to have Solaraistic symbolism within it.

Seraphism: Seraphism is a nature-centric religion that reveres the interconnectedness of all living beings and the sanctity of the natural world. Its followers emphasize environmental stewardship, seeking spiritual enlightenment through deep connections with nature.

Astralism: Astralism is a mystical religion that believes in the influence of celestial bodies and cosmic energies on human existence. Its practitioners study astrology, interpret celestial events, and believe in the interconnectedness of the universe.

Harmonism: Harmonism is a spiritual philosophy that emphasizes inner harmony, personal growth, and mindfulness. Its followers seek to align their thoughts, emotions, and actions to achieve a state of balance and contentment.


Here are some unique sects within Lux Tenebrism and a brief description of each:

Luminaris Sect: The Luminaris Sect is dedicated to the pursuit of inner light and enlightenment. Followers of this sect focus on meditation, introspection, and cultivating inner radiance. They believe that by nurturing the inner light within themselves, they can illuminate the world around them.

Umbralis Sect: The Umbralis Sect places emphasis on embracing the mysteries of darkness and shadow. Followers of this sect delve into the depths of the subconscious and explore the transformative power of the hidden aspects of the self. They believe that by embracing the darkness within, they can attain spiritual growth and self-realization.

Equilibris Sect: The Equilibris Sect emphasizes the importance of finding balance and harmony between light and darkness. Followers of this sect seek to integrate both aspects into their lives, recognizing that true enlightenment comes from the harmonious union of opposing forces. They strive to maintain equilibrium in all aspects of their spiritual journey.

Luminalis Sect: The Luminalis Sect focuses on the practical application of Lux Tenebrism teachings in everyday life. Followers of this sect actively engage in acts of kindness, compassion, and service to others. They believe that by embodying the principles of light and darkness, they can bring about positive change and create a more enlightened society.


With the limited abilities of expressing religious freedom in Maddomainia and where all citizens are mandated to practice Lux Tenebrism, the followers of other religions have found sects that align with their true beliefs within the broader framework of Lux Tenebrism.

Sect of Solara: Followers of Solaraism, the sun-worshipping religion, have formed a sect within Lux Tenebrism that incorporates their solar rituals and reverence for the sun deity. This sect places a special emphasis on sun-related symbolism, ceremonies, and practices, while integrating them into the broader Lux Tenebrism belief system.

Seraphic Sect: Devotees of the nature-centric religion of Seraphism have established a sect within Lux Tenebrism that honors the sanctity of the natural world. This sect focuses on environmental conservation, ecological awareness, and integrating nature-based rituals and practices into their Lux Tenebrism worship.

Astral Sect: Followers of Astralism, the religion centered around celestial bodies and cosmic energies, have formed a sect within Lux Tenebrism that emphasizes astrology, cosmic symbolism, and celestial rituals. This sect explores the connection between cosmic forces and individual spirituality while incorporating elements of Lux Tenebrism teachings.

Harmonic Sect: Adherents of Harmonism, a spiritual philosophy focused on inner harmony and mindfulness, have established a sect within Lux Tenebrism that integrates their beliefs and practices. This sect places a strong emphasis on personal growth, meditation, and mindfulness techniques, incorporating them into Lux Tenebrism's broader framework.

These sects within Lux Tenebrism provide followers of other religions in Maddomainia with a space to express their true beliefs and incorporate their unique practices while operating within the boundaries of the dominant religion. While religious freedom may be limited, these sects serve as a means for individuals to maintain a connection to their original faith while finding common ground within Lux Tenebrism.


Posted May 30, 2023 at 1:28 pm

Quite an interesting religion.

(Also, great bulletin!)

Posted May 31, 2023 at 2:48 am

Thank you very much! Yeah, I came up with the lore of Lux Tenebrism more than a decade ago, just incorporating it into my nation here finally 😂
