Nation Bulletin

Victory over the invaders, and a nationwide celebration spurs!

Победа на злоиком, и страницная дёмаци жиуит!

By The Karlagrad Times
05/23/2023 11:26 am
Updated: 05/23/2023 11:29 am

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May 23, 2023 | The Blue Lightshade Revolution


⌛ The Final Hour


Crowd celebrating in Yuliyansk. (May 23, 2023)

At 8:01 pm, after the last shots by Gondolin in the Abingrad front, it was confirmed by the soldiers that an open window of opportunity is open. Cossackia is at peace, for now, officially saying. But despite the short peace that will follow, people came out to the streets to support the government and the armed forces. People started using flashlights to support their country.

Why were they celebrating? Didn't we lose more than the enemy? Didn't we lose more than we gain? Didn't we defend with so much to lose? The people believed that victory will come, and no Immense Triumph can compare to the success of the defense.

The citizens of all cities and Federal Subjects celebrated the news with jubilation. And with this, the Premier and Prime Minister, along with the Politburo Rada that will come out of the underground, are now coming back to the Karlskronian Palace.


💘 The Cupid Revolution


National Flag Celebration in Xintai, New Taipei. (May 23, 2023)

Last night, a song made by South Korea's FIFTY FIFTY started playing in large boomboxes to attract the crowd. The song speaks of a lone girl jealous of looking at couples every day and losing hope of love giving her a chance. 

The song is called Cupid, and as of this report, it can be heard playing anywhere in the country. Though the lyrics are sad, the beat and melody of the song incentivize change and renewed resolve. It wishes to be the anthem for the widespread revolution.

Now if you're thinking that Cossackia is now a degenerate country because of K-POP, you are wrong. The people of Cossackia are still patriots. They love their culture, language, and their freedom. But they also want to mix popular culture to make it sweeter for the generations to come as a memory not to forget.


The Return of the Soyokov Premiership


Crowd greeting the Limousine of the returning Premier and Prime Minister. (May 23, 2023)

At 11 am today, Premier Karla Soyokov was reinaugurated, alongside his sister, Prime Minister Karlina Soyokova. And all state functions will return to the elected Cossackian officials. They will then go ahead to the Karlskronian Palace to address the nation that they have finally returned.

A military Hell March will follow to honor the Armed Forces and finally show their new equipment to the citizens and soldiers alike. Then an air salute will follow with Starshocker aircraft.

After this, a National Banquet will be held in the palace, inviting the masses to join the feast. This is a tribute to the defense of the country and coming out unscathed.


What happens now?


Painting of the Karlskronian Palace by Nikolai Balichenkovich

At this time, everyone is celebrating. And soon, all will be back to normal until the end of the peace period. The military is still on high alert to defend Cossackia, and to look out for incoming attacks. Citizens will now be oriented on what to do when the alarm sounds, as fallout shelters and bunkers are under reconstruction at this time.

This also marks the end of the exile and the beginning of new challenges. With renewed resolve, Cossackia is certain to survive and make itself renowned to the world once more. Currently, the government will make plans for the Premier and Prime Minister for these agendas:

  • Improve Military Export to Ukraine.
  • Taiwan's stance on the world stage.
  • Cossackia to be acquainted with Timor-Leste, as part of an ASEAN plan to admit Timor-Leste.
  • Opening of relations with Kazakhstan post-Nazarbayev.
  • Talks with the United States.
  • Discussions with Canada regarding the Premier's residency to be in Canada as a working student in the future.
  • Deeper cooperation with the Philippines.
  • Broker economic deals with China, that are in favor of Cossackia.

But today is a day of rest and celebration. War may come soon, but peace finally prevails regardless. Of course, we can write more about how great our country is all day but let's stop here. Let's just say Cossackia just doesn't care that it lost. Rather, it values victory over regret. Our country can learn more from defeat as much as from winning, and that's what matters.


The Karlagrad Times — All editors contributed to this newsletter.