Nation Bulletin

Auslanta NT Occupation

Zullimanistani departed from Northern Territory, Australia

By The Guardian
05/22/2023 12:51 pm
Updated: 05/22/2023 12:51 pm

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With Zullimanistani pulling away control from its Australian Colony, Auslanta have been positioned in the Northern Territory to ensure Law and Order remains. Until a new government is established, the Northern Territory will be under the jurisdiction of the Auslantan Government. 

Overtime, the Auslantan Government will either establish the Northern Territory as apart of the sovereignty of the nation or welcome its independence as a separate state.


For now, 20,000 Army personnel will be stationed around the land to maintain stability in the region.


(Note to viewers: Approval from Nukeya, Zullimanistani and Communist Britain acquired)