Alliance Bulletin


A Test of Democracy

Can We Do It?

By High Lord RoManic
05/21/2023 05:20 am
Updated: 05/21/2023 05:20 am

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Today marks the first day of the campaigns for senator in Aequitas. It also marks the first real test of effective democracy within an alliance. Most alliances succeed only in completing a magnificent crash and burn before they even get to the stage where they can create a legislative branch. Aequitas has already successfully created a judiciary system in which two cases have already been ruled on. Aequitas has created a very America-esque constitution as well which is another tick off the list in becoming a democracy. It's already been amended twice which shows that our version of the elastic clause does actually work in practice. We've already ran a proper presidential election, which will arguably be more heated than these senatorial elections will ever get, without a single hitch or change needed to be implemented during it. The final piece of the puzzle, I believe, will come in just as successfully. Already an agreement between the NLP (National Liberty Party) which is the party that the Luna administration runs with and a potential opposition party came through. The opposition agreed that it would be best for now for Aequitas to not be divided at all. While Aequitas is accepting new parties and new candidates we can be sure of one thing, Aequitas will stay united in spirit throughout all of it. How do we know this, well the Luna Administration has decided to proactively ensure that the elections remain a top priority and that debates are regulated and strictly policy based. If this string of successes continues for Aequitas we will likely be one of the first fully successful democracies in Orbis. 

...And yes to all those who have been on the opposing side since day one, I have not forgotten about you. My response to whatever eventual conclusion you reach is 1. We're still here after all these days. Bet on the underdog for once, sometimes you win more that way. 2. What do you lose if an alliance that you're not apart of fails. Don't disguise it behind a care for our members, we can worry about that. I do not care for your alliances members, as in I don't care about what they choose to independently choose. I'm focused on myself and my alliance. I feel that others should think this way as well. If this "experiment" works you only stand to gain.  3. This isn't a rant or one of the usual posts where we expect a fight. I respect every conclusion you guys independently reach and am not adverse to them. Every great thing needs criticism to succeed. Honestly our critics may be some of our best advisors when it all comes down to it. Obviously we take what they say with a grain of salt and you should take what we say with the same portion of salt but I want to turn the page for Aequitas. We aren't an aggressive and staunch close minded set of people (though I'd argue we've never been) we're interested in your ideas as much as your interested in us. As one of the newest and strongest democracies celebrating that very achievement we want to thank the very community that propelled us to such a place. Thank you. 


Posted May 23, 2023 at 1:21 am

Appreciated, we work hard to make sure that we are constantly improving our outside look to the community. 

Posted May 24, 2023 at 10:20 am

Something something conspiracy against imperialist alliance something

Posted May 25, 2023 at 12:42 pm

This seems as a very good idea, but will be certainly hard to implement. All you need is one person with enough power of permissions (Or a few if it is laid out that way), to send your democracy into a dictatorship. Unfortunately, democracy is a very fragile thing, but nonetheless it should still be protected and implemented.

Posted May 25, 2023 at 12:44 pm

@Mac Thomas I fully agree with everything you said. The only part where I slightly disagree is the disadvantages of a larger gov. I actually believe this is an advantage. It ensures that there’s a low barrier to entry for lower but still skilled members allowing us to scout out more talent for high gov. It also keeps members incredibly active as they all feel they have a role to play. I’m glad you’re interested in Aequitas’ gov. Feel free to reach out to me and apply to Aeq. I’m sure I could work something out for you. 

edit: @August Lindgren I hear what you’re saying. I think you should read the Aeq constitution to get a better idea of how we have handled that. We have imposed checks and balances for all three branches that ensures no one branch gets to much power. The executive is not able to do certain things right now even though there isn’t a legislative branch. Our Supreme Court ruled that we had to work in conjunction with them to get legislation passed. Once the legistive comes in we are ensuring that all checks and balances within the constitution are used. 

Posted May 26, 2023 at 7:04 pm

FSO already does everything this alliance does. This is not the “first real test of an effective democracy“ as there are other, much larger democracies in Orbis that already exist. You want to be in an alliance that has truly tested the effects of being a democracy, then I say join the FSO.

Posted May 28, 2023 at 8:44 am

Democracy is a good think, that make your alliance more worke able.
