Nation Bulletin

Reserve police deployed in Malaya, Eastern agency, Yunnan, Calcutta and other districts with Chinese minorities


By Suu Shwe, East India Gazette
05/14/2023 01:29 am
Updated: 05/14/2023 01:30 am

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After threats from nationalist mobs to burn Chinese settlements all over the nation, the government deployed it's police forces against any rioting activity, and section 144, the curfew law has been enforced all over India, except Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar and Andaman and Nicobar islands. 

The government does not aim to harm any citizen, but amidst a "confrontasi" like incident between East India and Dreamistan, numerous entho-nationalists have used this opportunity to justify hate crimes against Chinese minority living in the nation, and has further developed a Chinese resentment, most prevalent in eastern states of the nation. 

The government asks everyone to not judge people on their race and heritage, because that's dumb and pointless. After all the dudes who are staying in our territory since the inception are not the people to cause violence over. 

1600 arrests have been made, and no deaths have been reported so far. 

*again, nothing against the Chinese themselves, but a certain pusistan decided to bring race into this sh-tshow so here we go. 
