Nation Bulletin

History of Soviet and Imperial Flags.

This a portion of our Nation's History and pride.

By Belgrade History Post.
05/07/2023 07:38 pm
Updated: 05/07/2023 07:38 pm

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History of Soviet and Imperial Flags.

The Original Flag of the Yugoslavian Empire.

Before the failed Communist Insurrection, the Yugoslavian Empire was a small empire with big dreams of a large Slavic Empire. When the Nation was founded it occasionally butt heads with the Sedroasian Empire. 


The Yugoslavian Imperial Flag after the Failed Communist Insurrection.

This Flag would remain throughout the Empire's history until the Nuclear !@#$ that devastated the Nation and wiped out the majority of the Yugoslavian Population. 


The Yugoslavian Communist Republic Flag.

This flag was of the original Communist republic following the collapse of the Yugoslavian Empire. This Government would only last short time before the Federation took its. The only significant part of the Communist Republic was that it reapplied for the ECW and was able to be recognized as the Successor of the Yugoslavian Empire.


The flag of the Soviet Federation of Yugoslavia.

This flag was the mainstay for much of the Federation's history so far. The Imperial Eagle remained as a reminder of what was once. Lost. This also marked the beginning of the Federation's dark past, as the Invasion of Western Maghreb was a good reminder. This was also the Flag in which that stood against the Central Powers throughout the European Cold War. 


The Flag of the Soviet Federation.

This was the day in which the Nations title was soon dropped to just the Soviet Federation instead of the typical "Soviet Federation of Yugoslavia"  In favor of a shortened name. This flag would be flown all throughout the many wars that the Soviet Federation fought in. The Creator of the Flag was from none other than New Zukesa.


The Current Flag of the Soviet Federation. 

The New Flag of the Soviet Federation that has seen a major change from the typical tri color formula. In the form of a cross with the Red Star in the Center and with red and blue portions of the flag even changing sides.



The Failed Imperial and Soviet flags.





