Alliance Bulletin


AA Policies: Taxes, Banking, & Warehouse Economy system

Information on 7K Taxes & Treasury policies

By Ministry of Revenue & The Imperial Treasury
08/02/2021 05:56 am
Updated: 08/02/2021 07:23 am

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Taxes & Bank System

there are currently no taxes by default, except for policy & rule violations tax fines

all deposits are tracked by our bot, leave deposit notes blank unless for the following reasons below:

use #tax to make a tax credit donation, these donations act similar to deposits in that they count towards any #grant debt from using our warehouse economy system, but unlike the #deposit account, the exact amounts are not kept on hold so that they can be used for other purposes 
(#deposit iron is kept in exact amount in our treasury & offshore, #tax iron may be sold to buy other material for #grants or trade ministry flipping)
use #grant to return #granted materials from our warehouse economy system when the market has lowered, this allows you to borrow in high markets and return in low markets. Do not make any other deposits using #grant or go over debt amount, any positive amounts in #grant will be returned to nation without warning
use #ignore when making a deposit for the purpose of transferring through our bank network, do not make donations with #ignore

you may check your deposits by running the !depo <Nation ID/Nation URL/"Nation Name in Quotes"/@username>  command on our Alliance Discord
you may request a withdraw or warehouse economy services by pinging @treasury distribution agent in the #Withdrawal-and-grant-request channel on our discord

Warehouse Economy Policies

You may borrow Steel, Munitions, Gas, Aluminum, Uranium, Food, or raw resources for manufacturing against the value of your deposits & tax accounts.

These are only allowed to be taken for personal usage, not trading.
Trading granted material will be treated as embezzlement and may lead to fines to your deposit account by the justice council. 
buying material to sell while you have granted material is allowed so long as only the amounts bought after borrowing are being used for trade. 

MFG Supply Grants are only supplied if you have the respective project for that resource.

Your total account value must remain positive. 

You must maintain a minimum of 10% of the value of all #grant debt in your combined accounts total 
(#deposit value + #tax value - #grant value) (#grant value * 0.1)

if the total value amount of your combined accounts falls below the 10% threshold due to market changes you will not be able to be #granted anymore material until it is raised back above 10%,
if the amount falls below 5% you will not be allowed to withdraw from #deposits until the total accounts value is raised back above 10%
if the amount become negative you may be place under taxes until it is positive again, either from taxes, deposits, or changes in the market, these taxes will be added to your #deposit account
Exemptions are at the discretion of the Treasury Staff

Grants & Loans

The Imperial Treasury no longer offers any grant programs or loan services at this time other than our Warehouse Economy collateral loan service, reserved for future usage 


To appeal any Justice Council decisions open a ticket with the Control Council's Ministry of Appeals 

Changes to our Tax Policies are at the discretion of the White Council's Ministry of Revenue