Nation Bulletin

Official State Holidays of Aureliana Announced.

More Holidays Will Be Added In Time

By Edictos Romanus
08/02/2021 12:03 am
Updated: 08/02/2021 12:04 am

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January 18: Day of the Dead (A day were citizens honour their dead)

March: 17: Agonalia (A day for Mars)

April 20: Aureliana Day (Anniversary of nations' founding) 

May 12: IOTA Day (Anniversary of Inter-Orbis Treaty Organisation)

May 31: Legion Day (Alliance Holiday)

June 20: Vestalval (Day of the Vestals)

July 15 : Caesaralia (Dedicated to  deification of Julius Caesar)

September 1: Day of the Emperor (a day celebrating the Emperors of Rome/Aureliana)

September 2: Day of the Senate (a day celebrating the Senate of Rome/Aureliana)

September 3: Day of the Soldier (a day celebrating the Soldiers of Rome/Aureliana)

September 4: Day of the People (a day celebrating the People of Rome/Aureliana)

October 12: Augustalia (Dedicated to the deification of Augustus)

November 4 - 17: The Aurelian Games (Sporting event between Reds, Greens, Yellows and Blues)

December 17–23: Saturnalia (in honour of Saturn)

December 25: Dies Natalis Solis Invicti ("Birthday of the Unconquered Sun")
