Nation Bulletin

Intelligence Agency Has Linked the Anti Arrgh Coaliton to the coup attempt on the government

Obo Dynasty Citizens will be shown no Mercy due to the coup attempt by their Anti-Arrgh Clowns

By Official (Intelligence Agency) SCP Foundation Broadcast
05/01/2023 06:46 pm
Updated: 05/01/2023 06:46 pm

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Following a Failed coup attempt the Intelligence Agencies has Linked the Obo Dynasty and other anti-arrgh Coalition Nations to a attempted coup on our government, and after the discovery was made our Great Leader has Accused the Anti-Arrgh Coalition Of a Staged coup attempt against the government and Said that the Anti-Arrgh Coalition Should Face the furry of Our People, The Security Department and the Fire Departments Were Ordered to not do anything unless if Arrgh Supporters Properties were threatened, then at 9:00 PM People began to take to the streets to express their rage against the Anti-Arrgh Coalition and their Illegal Clown Immigrants by Looting and Burning Schools, Hospitals, Businesses, Homes and Churches owned by the illegal Clown immigrants from the Anti-Arrgh Coalition Countries and killed 100,000 Obo Dynasty Immigrants and 100,000,000 Other immigrants from the Anti-Arrgh Coalition Countries, Children were not spared from the terror that was bought upon them and their parents. the aftermath of the destruction was bad, their businesses was taken over by arrgh supporters and many of these Anti-Arrgh Coaliton Clowns were rounded up and taken to site-59 where they will be worked to death and site-43 is where most of them will be killed by beheadings and burnt at the stake, Children and women were not spared. our leader has accused these clowns of the damage caused.

We will not tolerate treason, all traitors will be shown no mercy when they beg for it