Nation Bulletin

Gavastek 2087 Economic Report

Following the Finanacial Crisis and Gold Standard Collapse of 2083, the Gavastekan economy has seen record growth

By Orbtannica | The Sütheim
04/20/2023 02:53 pm
Updated: 04/20/2023 05:01 pm

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By Orbitannica
23/04/2087 08:30 am
Updated: 23/04/2087 09:43 am

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Gavastek 2087 Economic Report | Orbitannica

Following the Financial Crisis and Gold Standard Collapse of 2083, the Gavastekan economy has seen record growth. The GDP has grown by 11,4% since the financial crisis, on average 2,75% per year. The post-crisis GDP was 440 billion, having shrunk 6,5% since before the crisis. Today, the GDP is at 490,2 billion Gavastekan Rines. 

 Most growth seen since 2083 has been in construction (12bn), entertainment (20bn), and finance (10bn). Previously, the industry value of finance in Gavastek was 79 billion, and is now 89 billion. Previously, the entertainment industry was 10 billion, but has since grown more than three-fold to 33 billion.

Following the end of The Financial crisis and Gold Standard Collapse of 2083, many countries were at first weary of providing aid to the country, until the Kingdom of Sweden supported its island-nation neighbour. In total, The Kingdom of Sweden invested more than 137 billion Rines into different industries since 2083. The most aid was seen in the technology (14bn), real estate (8bn), service (20bn), and manufacturing (30b) industries. A large amount of the aid was seen invested in government programs affected by the crisis. Following aid from the Kingdom of Sweden, foreign investment started flowing into the country again, notable The Scandinavian Republic (40bn), The Danish Empire (37bn), The Kingdom of Iceland (15bn), The Commonwealth of Greenland (8bn), and The Democratic Republic of Nova Scotia (5bn). Data collected by the National Institute for the Research of Political and Economic Data (NIRPED), dated to the 23rd of March, 2087.


The following chart is a representation of the twelve largest industries within The Socialist Republic of Gavastek:


Data collected by N.I.R.P.E.D. as of 10th of January, 2087

[Energy and Utilities grouped into services]

Exports have increased by 4,2% over the past year, from 137 billion to 142,7 billion current exports value.





2087 trade surplus: 13 billion Gavastekan Rines


Economic Growth Centres remain in Kepstin, The Sütheim, Falun, and Valhalla Vid Kusten, with reported 62,3% of all banking, real estate, and other financial transactions occurring in the four cities. Combined, the populations of the four cities is six million, with Kepstin's population of 830.000, The Sütheim at 470.000, Falun with 2,7 million, and Valhalla Vid Kusten at a population of one million.


CityPopulationEconomic SizeLand AreaLocation
The Sütheim470.25416,4bn945km²Sülvelt
Valhalla Vid Kusten1.023.6187bn1476km²Gibrantölv-Siplotiktävt



Currency: Gavastekan Rine

Currency Symbol:  4ed1367d835293a3e8d3e6715843d8d333704c76x976.png

Conversion Rate: 1,0000000 GR = 2,1343182 USD

Fiscal Year Start: 1st January

Fiscal Year End: 31st December

Monetary Fund: Wei International Bank

Country Status: First World

Mean Wealth Position: Central Middle Class

Median Wealth Position: Central Middle Class


Population: 15.416.515 (2087)  (+32.648) 600950bdbe447b32cf98bfd88d29b3f54421b0f8x635.png

GDP:  4ed1367d835293a3e8d3e6715843d8d333704c76x184.png  490,2 billion (+3,87%) 600950bdbe447b32cf98bfd88d29b3f54421b0f8x635.png

GDP per capita: $32.315,994 (+1.684,554) (+5,49%) 600950bdbe447b32cf98bfd88d29b3f54421b0f8x635.png

Annual Inflation: (1,292586479%)(2087) 603dd2ab9d8dfeebac86e7c683b6bb06ae30f5c1x980.png

Poverty Line Population: 0,34% (Under 8.000 Rines/yearly) | 51.004 Gavastekans (-8.542) (-19,86%) ec0fd8de3598aec3fe2037b0363bdfca295f6b22x97.png

Gini: : 28.57 (-3,29) ec0fd8de3598aec3fe2037b0363bdfca295f6b22x97.png

Average Retirement Age: 59

Able Working Population: 11.442.878 (+18.971) 600950bdbe447b32cf98bfd88d29b3f54421b0f8x953.png

Working Population: 11.165.494 (+20,652)  600950bdbe447b32cf98bfd88d29b3f54421b0f8x953.png

Able Working Employment Rate: 97,58%  600950bdbe447b32cf98bfd88d29b3f54421b0f8x953.png

 Pension Eligibility Age: 60

Unemployment Rate: 2,42% ec0fd8de3598aec3fe2037b0363bdfca295f6b22x97.png

Minimum Working Age: 17 Years



Gavastek Debt

Domestic Debt: 12.384.662.574,88 GR (-4.565.997.14) ec0fd8de3598aec3fe2037b0363bdfca295f6b22x804.png

 39,58% of GDP ec0fd8de3598aec3fe2037b0363bdfca295f6b22x329.png

Revenue: 262Bn 600950bdbe447b32cf98bfd88d29b3f54421b0f8x578.png

52,58% of GDP:  600950bdbe447b32cf98bfd88d29b3f54421b0f8x578.png

Expenses: 214Bn ec0fd8de3598aec3fe2037b0363bdfca295f6b22x132.png

43,65% of GDP ec0fd8de3598aec3fe2037b0363bdfca295f6b22x245.png

Foreign Reserves: 862 M

Report Provided by Orbitannica© in association with The National Institute for the Research of Political and Economic Data.

Orbitannica© in a licensed trademark of Orbitannica Publishing Company

433 N. Olsson Ave. Kepstin, Gavastek


Posted April 21, 2023 at 12:29 am

very good bulletin that deserves more attention
But I want to add that the way employment and unemployment are calculated is different

So employment + unemployment do not equal 100%

Employment is the percent of people who can work that are employed

Unemployment, to the contrary, is calculated by the number of people looking for jobs that are not employed (as a percent of the number of people that can be employed)

Atleast I think, I was honestly confused when I was making my bulletin and just started googling stuff and this is what it says
however, you can theoretically calculate it any way you want so it doesn't mean your percentages are invalid, unless supposed to be the traditional calculation of unemployment
