Nation Bulletin

Gehinnom Begins Space Program

"The stars sing praises to the Lord, and we will see that each note is written and named."

By Cleric Gerald Bonzi
04/19/2023 08:05 pm
Updated: 04/19/2023 08:05 pm

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After much deliberation and countless man-hours of hard work, Gehinnom has launched its first missions into the orbit of the planet, preparing for lunar contact within the year. With the success of the first Spearhead rocket comes the promise of many more missions and continued technological development for both Gehinnom and all of Orbis.

Small instruments and measuring devices have been deployed into the upper atmosphere to better chart the path for future missions, and Gehinnom has already begun to produce figures from the data collected regarding weather, physical phenomena and horology.

Cleric Hans Heider has been appointed by the Kaiser to oversee Gehinnom's space program, known henceforth as the Citadel Aerospace Study Temple or CAST. After the initial success of the first three missions, Cleric Hans Heider released a statement to the Gehins as well as the international community as a whole.

"This week Gehinnom has entered a new age of understanding and growth. With the initiation of the space program and the formation of the CAST, we will bring wisdom and knowledge to all of Orbis, and perhaps beyond. The stars sing praises to the Lord, and we will see that each note is written and named. We will reach out our hands over great distances, our eyes will scour and behold many wonderful faraway things - but such is only a gift, a divine privilege bestowed upon us. Let us go with pure hearts and great courage into the vast unknown, and let us take in good faith whatever we shall find there."

CAST has yet to release a statement regarding a timeline for future missions, but they expect to be developing rapidly over the next year with a lunar mission well within calculated probability. The citizens of Gehinnom watched and celebrated the launch in Citadel, Gehinnom's erudite metropolis.


Posted April 19, 2023 at 9:09 pm

