Nation Bulletin

Economy of the Dominion of Cascadia


By Dominion Department of the Treasury
04/18/2023 07:36 pm
Updated: 04/19/2023 07:10 am

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The Dominion of Cascadia is a highly developed mixed economy. It is Orbis' second largest economy by GDP and the largest within the GENDT. It has one of Orbis' highest GDP per capita and the highest in the GENDT. 
The Cascadian economy is fueled by the mass production of goods, extensive transportation networks, an abundance of natural resources such as oil, natural gas, iron, coal, and uranium. Cascadians have the highest average household income among GENDT members. 
Cascadia's largest trading partners are Dauchh Palki, the Rocky Mountain Republic, Canada, and Lapunto. Cascadia is one of the worlds largest exporters. 

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