Nation Bulletin

Where I've Been

Actual Bruh Moment

By C'est Moi
04/15/2023 11:59 pm
Updated: 04/15/2023 11:59 pm

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I'll keep this short: I'm typing this on my phone.

So the laptop I use, that by the way is less than a year old, has managed to already drop me with some wonderful hardware failure.

The network adapter is getting error after error and the thing crashes if I just let a browser sit open for less than an hour. I've gotten into programming corners and drives, files, commands, even background imagery around old troubleshooting processes that haven't been visually updated since the early internet.

As for me here, I can only partially check back here on a regular basis. It's hard to navigate, Hell typing this has been a pain in itself.

So don't expect much for a while, whilst Augustus and Rimskaya's best technicians sort out the reactionary and counterrevolutinary errors in my computer hardware.

That's all from me, good night Orbis.