Nation Bulletin

DocuNations: Where we explore Nations that don't exist. | Season 6, Episode 9: "Ol' Bhutania, Where Are Thou?"

This article will look more into what the People's Monarchist Republic of Old Bhutania is like.

By Vehender Barlsai, Documentary Vlogger
04/08/2023 12:40 am
Updated: 04/08/2023 12:43 am

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Wu Sassikastomo here, I'm getting a bit meta right now, but I just wanted to say I made this because I figured, well Old Bhutania is such a sudden addition to the Janguresian Lore, so why not dedicate an entire bulletin to them? I mean, it only makes sense to include the history of such a controversial nation into a simple and easy to access bulletin.

A documentary inspired by the likings of the Bald and Bankrupt: Transnistria video.

This episode of DocuNations isn't on Youtube, and as such, I can only show you it through two outlets:

A Canva Link: DocuNations: Where we explore Nations that don't exist. | Season 6, Episode 9: "Ol' Bhutania, Where Are Thou?"


A Transcript:



 National Anthem of Old Bhutania (in case if anyone is wondering):