Nation Bulletin

Hemingway National News#5

NH News

By HBC News
03/31/2023 08:53 pm
Updated: 03/31/2023 08:53 pm

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Timmy Wroclaw your host here! Just came back from getting me some donuts.

Anyways, back to some more news.


National News

Hemingway has joined Guns n Roses, the new Doom Legion. Hemingway residents are really happy and the celebration is in 3 days! Beware for April 3rd, 100 days is coming. Pseunom Jason the First is working on new projects to install in the nation. New cities are being planned to built, Pagan is the new city plan that is up and coming. Time for some other news! Golly Gee I'm happy!


Military News

The military hasn't grown that much. Although, missiles have been built. The tank number and soldiers hasn't changed. General Flint Forement, has some new plans for more futuristic tanks and aircraft to improve Hemingways safety from invaders. That was farely short, well, on to economy broskis.


Economic News

In terms of economy, Hemingway has stabilized with 900 million Hemingway Moolah. Steadily, the economy is growing. Although, it has dropped since. Also, Hemingway is donating money to the alliance bank. Almost 3 million dollars have been donated to the Guns n Roses bank. Hemingway was also the first nation to deposit money into the bank as well. Other than that, that concludes todays economy news!


International Affairs

In a span of 6 DAYS, YES DAYS, Hemingway has gained many commendations. They have risen from 50, to 68 commendations. Internationally, Hemingway have been trading with multiple nations. They import many things, like steel and aluminum. Also, Hemingway has their first international airport built in Anatahan. The Grand Opening is on April 3rd. Anyways, One more segment. I am getting tired of talking.


Internal Affairs

Inside of Hemingway, people are the happiest ever. April 3rd is a very important day, and people are excited. Stores are running out of supplies like fireworks and food. Hopefully they still have waffles, they still have waffles, right? RIGHT!? Okay, okay, Timmy, calm down.


Okay, back to the news. As I said, we are running out of many celebratory supplies. Hopefully not waffles, I NEED MY EGGO!!!! You know what, I am gonna go to the store right now. MOVE!!! HEY, GET OUT MY WAY!!


"Timmy goes to the grocery store and doesn't see any Eggo waffles. He goes to his house and, its a miracle! HE HAS EGGOS!!!!! This is a massive accomplishment. We are lucky we are alive, otherwise, if he didn't find any waffles, um, let's not talk about that"


I'm back people. That concludes our news for today, I'm gonna go home for some waffles now. Bye people of Hemingway!

Can't wait for waffles.