Nation Bulletin

Battle of Anatahan

Major Wars #2

By Pseunom Jason The First
03/30/2023 07:18 pm
Updated: 03/30/2023 07:18 pm

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The Major War Series is back again. I guess I will write another one.


The Battle of Anatahan


The battle of Anatahan starts in May 8, 1945. In the endings of World War II, the Germans needed a victory, and Psychopathia was a perfect target. (Psychopathia was the old name)   The German forces had planned an attack on Anatahan, a major Psychopathian city. If the city fell to the Germans, Psychopathia had to surrender after losing a major city.


The German forces consisted of 2 tank battalions and 6 army battalions. It had over 1,500 tanks, and 150,000 soldiers, massive compared to the Psychopathian Army.



Soldiers : 150,000

Tanks : 1,500



Soldiers : 100,000

Tanks : 507


The Psychopathians were massively outnumbered, and when the Germans finally attacked, it caused major death. After the first day of battle, 15,684 Psychopathians were dead, while 9,439 Germans were killed. That night, the General, Jude Takerol, gave a speech. The speech had healed the soldiers morale, and they were ready for round 2. 


May 9th 1945 was a bloody day. The Psychopathians were hiding, only 15,000 were left of their once 100,000. No tanks were left, and the Germans were approaching. 45,000 Germans were heading there, 500 tanks as well. The Psychopathians did what they had to do, they fought. They ambushed the Germans and they were caught off guard. The Germans fought hard, but not as much as the Payshopathians. They fought with their heart and murdered many Germans, leaving 1,000 left.


The 1,000 Germans ran out of the city while the Psychopathians were gunning them down. In the end, the Psychopathians defended Anatahan and the Germans were left with nearly 0 soldiers. The Psychopathians were left with 10,000. On September 2, 1945, World War II, ended



Total : 138,808 dead

Injured : 321,351

Major Psychopathian victory



