Nation Bulletin

Results of the First Election for the Pocono Socialist Republic

Socialist Majority

By Pocono National News
03/29/2023 05:20 pm
Updated: 03/29/2023 06:44 pm

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In the Pocono Socialist Republic


With the Constitution being drafted and passed, as well as figuring out the census of each trade in the nation, the PSR had its first election for all open offices. Though there are no political parties, factions with different ideas made things  interesting. In the constitution, any member needs to work 5 years in that trade to serve in the National Assembly, to make sure members in government are from the working class and preventing a rise of a class of politicians. There were plenty of people running who never thought they will be running, but are well liked in their community and their trade


Luca Gonzalez, from his local town of bogatez won his seat spoke I am a proud man, and a good worker in the coal mines even more this republic was create. I served in the front lines in the war, and I have a belief that a better life is possible. I have took my shot in my local trade seat in the national election and I won. I like to thank everyone who voted for me, and I won’t let them down. The PSR is a new nation, and this election will set the course for the people and the PSR.

The election turnout throughout the nation was a 87%, since by law they put time away from not working, non to mention voting polls are usually at their own workplace. Though the results were coming in throughout the hours, it looks like for the National Assembly, the Socialist faction won out getting over 100 out of the 200 seats. With strong outcomes from the anarchists faction.




Black: Anarchists Faction 34 Seats

Pink: Accelerationism Faction 7 Seats 

Red: Socialist Faction 127 Seats

Dark Red: Communist Faction 29 Seats

Brown: Vanguard Faction 4 Seats


Elections have a Socialist Majority, but with plenty of competing interests that will play a major role in their government. As for the Presiden, they decided to Re-elected Woody Sinclair, the leader of the revolution. He is young leader who helped write the constitution and he will set the role of being the President for the first time. Though he had a lot of control during the revolution he gave up a lot of leaders to prevent any authoritarian leader to ever come about to ruin the republic. As for Local Council, though it’s diverse and with some local faction, it looks like socialists are the majority or part of the majority faction in around 67% of the worker councils in the nation. With elections every two years, things can always change in the young nation.


Posted March 29, 2023 at 5:22 pm

How do you make that 

Posted March 29, 2023 at 6:40 pm

Flushish, decent program that I like to use
