Nation Bulletin

Hemingway National News #4

NH News

By Pseunom Jason The First
03/26/2023 07:49 pm
Updated: 03/28/2023 04:05 pm

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Hello People of Hemingway!

Anchor Timmy Wroclaw here for your weekly news!

Here is the 4TH part of the National News!


National News

Unfortunately, Hemingway has left Doom Legion. The Coven has raided the alliance and Skittle, the leader, and Jason The First, the Co-Leader, have left the alliance. This, has left the Hemingway people disheartened, and the celebration of 100 days is being halted. However, the Hemingway government has found a new alliance, where they are accepted. The Cherokee Empire has decided to take Hemingway and make them the Assistant Prime Minister. This has made the morale of the people grow a little bit. 


Also, the cities have had name changes! After joining The Cherokee Empire, the government decided to give name changes to the cities. Rota is now the new capital, and Anatahan is the most populated city in Hemingway! That concludes the National News! Ooo that rhymed!

Military News

Just last week, we had a Coven member, Deckerton declare war on our nation! The attack had little damages, but destroyed the economy and infrastructure in the Capital. However, Deckerton had stopped the attacks after stating we don't have resources. Hemingway has offered peace, and it was accepted. Over 200 tanks have been built, and upwards of 15,000 soldiers have been enlisted. 17 new aircraft has also been manufactured. General Psychoto Jackson has also retired from the army. Flint Forement is the new general.

Economic News

After the war, the economy took a big hit, especially in the commerce area. Businesses had moved away from Hemingway and it damaged the economy. Although, Jake Undesi has had stockpiled money to help the people. Commerce is still growing, but is not as big as it was before the war.

International Affairs

Internationally, Hemingway is just as prosperous. They still go around commending people and have a good relationship with the Cherokee chief. In the Cherokee Empire, Hemingway ranks 2nd strongest in the entire alliance. Although Hemingway now have a new alliance, Doom Legion is never forgotten.

Internal Affairs

After leaving Doom Legion, the Hemingway people are left sad. The Cherokee Empire have welcomed them with open arms, Doom Legion is never forgotten in their hearts. The citizens them self had a statue of the Doom Legion flag built in the middle of Rota. Other than that, internally, Hemingway is still prosperous.


Okay people, that concludes the weekly NH News!

Stay tuned next week for another episode!

It's Timmy Wroclaw, signing off!