Nation Bulletin

Rumors of Nuclear Weapon Development in TPU Confimed.

The Pacific Times

By Hugo Travolta
03/24/2023 02:50 pm
Updated: 03/24/2023 03:04 pm

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   Satellite imagery shows construction of Missle Silos; All throughout the valleys of River Route, Liberty, and Barlen. This has struck fear in the hearts of many Jamians throughout the nation. This "Nuclear Research" Project has taken a swift turn, and only has an approval rating of: 34%. It's safe to say this is a mistake by our government. We should have seen this coming; as uraniun mines have been popping up around the country for the past few years. I think it's time we call out our government for lying to us, committing crimes, etc. Most Jamalians (66%) think this is a terrible idea, that will lead to more war. However, this doesn't shine light on the increasing threat of defensive war. The other percentage of citizens (approximately 34%) thinks this is a good idea, and proper use of tax payers money. They also believe this is a good thing for our nations military. It's estimated by the time of this publishing (June 4, 2086.) 1-2 Nuclear Warheads will have already been manufactured. Our government needs to do better, or people may start revolting. 


Hugo Travolta

(June 4, 2086.)