Nation Bulletin

Hemingway National News #3

NH News

By Pseunom Jason The First
03/24/2023 08:59 pm
Updated: 03/24/2023 08:59 pm

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The Third Edition of the National Hemingway News! (NH News)

Here is some more news about Hemingway.


National News

Hemingway is getting closer to being 100 days old! The capital, Lachlanheim, is packed with people getting ready to celebrate with others. Hemingway also has a growing economy and has a growing population

Military News

The military has grown steadily. 2 missiles have been manufactured since the last news. 3 ships have been built as the Navy is very weak. Hemingway is getting closer to getting Nuclear Weapons. Psychoto Jackson has also retired from Captain, after 25 years of service. Jordan Takerini is now Captain of the Hemingway armed forces.

Economic News

Hemingway has now surpassed 1 billion dollars in Gross Domestic Product! After months of trying to grow their economy, Hemingway have now surpassed 1 billion Moolah. The new currency of Hemingway is also the Moolah, with the Doom Legion Flag as the emblem. Hemingway has a very fast growing economy and is expected to reach 2 billion by 2090.

International Affairs

Internationally, Hemingway is very active. Commending other nations to get diplomatic relations. Hemingway has hadn't had a war since the raids. Hemingway is also growing in Doom Legion. Jason the First has promoted HarrisD and Berkis69 to Mentors of Doom Legion. Hemingway internationally, is growing.

Internal Affairs

Internally, Hemingway is just as prosperous. Jacksonheim had just been bumped from 1,200 infrastructure, to 1,500 infrastructure. Jason the First is trying to grow Jacksonheim to its fullest. A new mall has also been built in Jacksonheim. As said in National News, Hemingway is getting ready for a big celebration, 100 days of existence. 


That concludes the third edition of NH News! (National Hemingway News)

NH News now has a new schedule.

Every Monday, There will be news!

So next Monday, there will be the fourth edition, of NH News.

Stay Tuned People!