Nation Bulletin

Preparations for Week 5: On the Threat of Global Nuclear War. And no...

...We Don't Mean in Orbis

By Commissar Augustus Democraticus
03/23/2023 10:58 pm
Updated: 03/23/2023 10:58 pm

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Dear comrades and non,

I'm afraid I will be taking up Week 5's topic for myself this time, as I have deemed this topic far too important to pass up in recent times: The prospect of the Third World War, and subsequent nuclear annihilation of mankind and civilization.

Nuclear War has been dropped off by the population as unlikely, to many a genuine fantasy, just seen in movies and books.

The threat is, opposingly, extremely real, and growing by the day. 

Tomorrow, I shall present the cases as to how and why, and above all, the program to stop the Armageddon that awaits the whole of humanity should the imperialist powers be allowed to continue down their war-mongering paths.


Fear is said to be a weakness. To the educated, however, it is the ultimate strength, 

for with fear comes anger, and from anger, resolve, and from resolve, rebellion, and from that,

well, I need not remind you the name of this publication.


I'll see you tomorrow comrades and non. 

Stay safe, and remember, regardless of whether you're left or right, Conservative or Liberal,

 this world,

is indeed,


Stop the war in Ukraine! Mobilize the international working class against imperialism!


Posted March 24, 2023 at 10:26 am

The ideal situation would be that, as strong as party affiliations and political divides may be, in a time of crisis, most people would inevitably join together instead of furthering divides. We can't be certain or rely on unity in any crisis: consider COVID-19. How many people made arguments against wearing masks, anti-vax conspiracy theories, and downright stupid things that practically sought out to harm the rest of the community? In that aspect, no, we cannot rely on "common sense" when we have those around us who simply don't care for their fellow human beings. However, if it were to the extent of nuclear war, it'd be likely that the government would have internal disagreements on how best to proceed, but eventually there'd be a consensus that the nation was in a significant crisis, and something needed to be done about it.

And, in response to your earlier reply, since I missed it, yes, it's true that some world leaders don't have all that much common sense, but they still have an understanding of Mutually Assured Destruction and as long as all involved parties understand that, nuclear war is unlikely to occur.

Posted March 24, 2023 at 11:29 am

Indeed we cannot rely on the government, nor the masses, having common sense. That's the purpose of the Vanguard Party as explained by Marx, and later Lenin: to lead and inform the people, giving them a basis of this knowledge upon which they can act.

Posted March 24, 2023 at 2:38 pm

Nuclear war isn't very likely.

We all rely on each other too much economically for it to not have disasterous consequences beyond the possibility of total destruction. 

But honestly Biden hasn't exactly proven himself to respect the American economy. Who knows maybe America will be the cause of ww3 after all.

Also to be fair Luna, vaccines should really be put through more testing and not rushed out. After all lets not forget that the Swine flue vaccine killed people and a family friend had a stroke not long after getting the Covid vaccine.

Posted March 25, 2023 at 2:13 am

My point there wasn't really focused on the people who sincerely believed the vaccine should be put through testing before it was approved for use -- I meant that group of people that was actally trying to spread conspiracy theories about how it was full of tracking devices and things... and the people who chose not to wear a mask DESPITE the scientific proof that it helped, which further exacerbated the spread of the virus.

However, back to the point, I do believe that in such a crisis there would certainly be a good response eventually, because in an event like that, differences have to be put aside in the name of the greater good and, to an extent, survival for all of us. Even those politicians who don't have all that much common sense would be forced to work with people with different opinions, because it's a massive crisis situation that would require cooperation.
