Nation Bulletin

Educational Information

The part of the website where we explain our nation's educational systems and such.

By The Official Janguresian Government Website
03/23/2023 04:51 pm
Updated: 04/23/2023 05:54 pm

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Shanyang International Corporation of World Education.


The S.I.C.W.E is a corporation founded by Magdalenuas Zemiura that gets part of it's funding from the Janguresian Government as an effort to obtain more recognition worldwide and for the interests of encouraging positive diplomatic relations. It is also currently in partnership with the Janguresian Government to help make a dictionary of how our language works. It's more like an organization, if anything, as it doesn't severely require any forms of retail commerce to support itself, rather it does so through an western style school system: Depending on the amount of students present in a class, the S.I.C.W.E gets around 35% of the profit made from the attendence of students.


The S.I.C.W.E handles it's money like this:


35% of income comes from student attendance.

20% of income comes from the Janguresian government.

40% of income comes from the Janguresian Progressive Tax Organization (JPTO).

5% of incomes comes from retail-related forms of commerce, such as the import and exportation of educational products.


The S.I.C.W.E gives out the following to the schools:


ONLY 35% of the S.I.C.W.E's banking goes towards schools.

10% of the fundings goes towards the teacher's salary

15% of the fundings goes towards giving students access towards informational content such as textbooks

15% of the fundings goes towards public transportation access, exclusively to only those going to some kind of educational facility


University Of Sir Waislai Thauriyai Bhadaauak III (USWTB)


The USWTB is a universal creative institution of world education. It is part of the S.I.C.W.E organization, and is a major institution for the development of learning, culture, mathematics, and many other subjects. It holds a total of 220,000 students, and takes up 5% of the entire city of St. Shangri-La. This is because the school was founded by Sir Wesley/Waislai Thauriyai Bhadaauak, who is 65% European, 13% Chinese, 17% Taylashain, 3% Raiganesian and 2% Mongolian. That information is important to know as he was a billionaire, who originally lived in the city of Hong Kong during the times of British Occupation, but later moved to the part of Nepal that is now Jangurupureri, he left at the age of 9, right around the time where it was about to return to China in 7 months. Because his family left at such a time, and to such a place, they decided to give him a more familiar sounding name to the people of Nepal, and as a result, his name was changed to Waislai, which meant Wesley in Hindi, which is odd since they were moving to a country that spoke and wrote Nepalese, but at the time, there were not many other options, and they also figured that it would be the closest thing to Hong Kong, away from Hong Kong. At the age of 46, he had 3 sons, 3 daughters, and 1 other whose gender wasn't identified. When Jangurupureri became a thing, He was at the age of 98. In the year 2047, he finished building a school, which was supposed to be a private school for only his family; however, soon afterwards, he had decided to make the school public because he figured that it wouldn't be fair to not let them have the ability to make friends, as he did much of when he was in school. Because he made the school himself, he decided to name it the University of Sir Waislai Thauriyai Bhadaauak III (USWTB), after himself. To tell you how far the school has come in it's journey, it originally could take up to 50,000 students. Because his culture was more linked towards European and Chinese design, he incorporated the two cultures into his school's design, which is why it may look a bit out of place in comparison to the rest of Jangurupureri.


"School Of My Ancestors" by Nafarcos Efrair-Balivora Bhadaauak II

One of his sons, Nafarcos, went on to be a world-famous painter, as he presented artworks both anew and old. This one is one of the few works that Nafarcos has given to the USWTB. He remembers the university. being a grand school, where he saw the Himalayas every single day, where he saw the opera house on his way to his class every day. This painting is what he remembers of his first memories of going to the university. He had visited the university in June 9th of 2086, where it now stands. The school takes in a large number of students, as it is the only university in the entire country, and it is also because it supports the idea of learning all kinds of things, and as such, you are allowed to take up to 10 years worth of semesters to learn as much as possible, and to better support society and yourself.


As of 2086, Waislai Thauriyai Bhadaauak is now 99 years old and is expected to live another 20 years.


Laigajiasimo Yiuagauuni's "Curiousity and Creativity" Flag


Yiuagauuni's flag consists of a shape, known as the Siayurleion, or the Abstract Diamonds. These are designs that are typically shaped in abstract ways that always seem to make up a diamond shape within our minds, and as such, Yiaugaauni drew a flag, representing this concept. Originally, it was just a long piece of fabric that they just submitted for a design contest, but they didn't feel confident about it. The special thing about Yiuagauuni is that they've taught by Ms. Ralakanski, a Russo-Mongolian teacher at the USWTB whose helped them through so much.

They've even came up with a concept for something that represents their mental embodiment, named "Saliukoor-Ryialgai," or Mind's Fantasy-state. They are truly a super artistic and upcoming cultural icon at the school.

New School Thing:
