Nation Bulletin

What We Are, What We Want To Achieve

The part of the website where we explain what our goals are and what our nation is.

By The Official Janguresian Government Website
03/23/2023 04:03 pm
Updated: 09/13/2023 09:19 am

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Jangurupureri is a semi-progressivist & semi-traditional, Constitutional & Parliamentary Monarchist Democracy. It means that a coalition of parties and the dynasty has over the Sassiakastomo Mandates, but the coalition has more control over it than the dynasty does, and as such, the Sun Dragon Emperor must act upon what is best for the nation, following both the Rules of Individuality & Morality, and what the Mandates allow and don't allow. As such, there is a dynasty, a parliament, and branches of government within the nation of Jangurupureri. This is why it is considered a Union of Monarchist Republics, rather than a Monarchist Republic itself.

The United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri was established in November of 2085, after gaining independence from Nepal. The reason we are called the United Monarchist Republics is because we are like the Holy Roman Empire, but much smaller. Jangurupureri was founded with the help of 3 different political parties and the unification of those parties by Wu Sassikastomo. The reason you may see the political parties represented everywhere in our nation is because the political parties sparked hope in a better future in people in the area of modern-day Jangurupureri. All of the political parties were each founded by the three majority groups, and each of those three majority groups had joined these political parties. There would've been a Nepalese Civil War, had it not been for our founding Sun Dragon Emperor.
He unified the parties to solve the conflict regarding independence diplomatically and peacefully. Eventually, in 2085, due to the Suez Canal Crisis, stuff happened, and Nepal collasped into tiny states.


The Achievements in which our nation strives for is to become the Switzerland of Asia, or like the Canada of Asia, as we want to establish great relationships with that of our neighbors and even the nation we broke off from. We are doing so by improving our military to be able to prepare for even the worse instances, so our citizens can be safe, our nation can continue to support ethnic independence for all, and to ensure that prosperity is guaranteed. We also want to make sure that we have great economic and ethnic diversity and prosperity.

Above shows a summary of the information below.


We are the UMRJ, or the United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri. We strive for success in the endeavors in which we attempt, but we try to also care about the people of our nation, for they are the ones who make this nation grand and beautiful. As such, we are a constitutional monarchy, where there still can be a royalty figure to make sure the country is quite stable; however, if this leader is too corrupt; he can be overthrown by the people and replaced by another emperor/empress, who can keep the country stable, but in a non-totalitarian way. We are attempting to become the Switzerland, Australia, Canada, and Singapore of Asia, mostly neutral, and also have most of the nation live in a super high mountain, because of where our nation is.

We have 3 major political parties, in fact, we even have a political party banner!


The elements of this flag just so happen to be the first concept for our nation's flag ever, as the political parties were each founded by a person of a different ethnicity, who wanted to represent their people! The banner doesn't use the same definitions that we have for the modern day Jangurupureri flag. The top banner is the Lion Party, which is basically the Janguresian version of the Republican Party, the bottom banner is the Sun Dragon Party, which is basically the Janguresian version of the Democratic Party, and the middle banner is the Leaf Party. This party is special as it is a non-extremist Democratic People's Party, in which instead of doing things individually or involving no government at all, things like economics and social policies are not voted by just the individual, rather a group of individuals.

The elements soon became symbols to the ethnic peoples of Jangurupureri as each party inspired hope for the future as all their founders aimed to have a brighter future.

To this day, these symbols are still being used to represent the people of Jangurupureri.

The flag shown under is a flag based off a contest's flag, and Kihansi Haley's varation won:

Kihansi Haley's "Simplistic Jangurupureri" Flag (RENOVATED VERSION):


First Ever Anthem:


Our Grand Sun Dragon Emperor, Sir Wu KaSaoulia Sassikasmoto 


Wu is the current Sun Dragon Emperor of the UMRJ (United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri). 

Wu was the person who had the idea to unite all the political parties of our nation to help combat the oppression of ethnic freedoms. After Jangurupureri declared independence from Nepal, Wu made a classification system of emperors. All the 3 political party leaders at the time would have an equal amount of power, as they all contributed to the movement equally, but they all influence different sections of the constitutional monarchy. The Sun Dragon Emperor position is of that of the highest ranked emperor in the nation, as they are the ones that the people at Parliament, the Branches of Government, and the people all declare as a responsible, diplomatic, and dignified person, the type of person that would have "Agaskria Tiasu" or in English, "Sun Dragon's Blood," Which is why the position is named Sun Dragon Emperor. Wu's family consists of his twin brothers, Yausobloi KaSaoulia Sassikastomo and Ahiaksidomi KaSaoulia Sassikastomo, his sister, Yasouankani KaSaoulia Sassikastomo, and his parents, Stiabhan KaSaoulia Sassikastomo and Haroasilia KaSaoulia Sassikastomo. 


The Sassikastomo's Dynasty's "Siaurkandyualsaimon (Grand Family's Heart and Soul) Flag"

The first part of the flag is the colors, the following colors used are purple, bourbon, hot pink, black, dark green, red, yellow, white, beige, light blue, and Air Force Blue.  Purple for loyalty, bourbon for the royal family's favorite color, hot pink to represent the curious nature of the family, black to represent the family's ability to keep on going, dark green and red to represent the family's ethnic groups, yellow to represent the wealth they brought to the nation and the wealth they have, white to represent the family's wanting for diplomacy and peace, beige to represent the comfort they bring to others, and light blue and Air-force blue to represent the trust and honor they've strive for. 

The color: rgb(40,40,60), is a background color; however, it can also be represented in the flag as a light found the darkness, a sign that represents the family greatly as they never assume things are always going to be bad forever.

The symbols below are the Siaurkafaniabhi, or the symbol Facing Towards Grand Peace, two of the ethnic group banners, found in the Janguresian flag, a sun with 22 points, to represent the family's lucky number, and a bourbon and golden moon, to represent celestial strive and ambition. The symbol of the Sun Dragon can be found within the Siaurkafaniabhi.




The Dynasty Flag, waving from the Sun Dragon's Yaslagaiambai (Golden Paradise Edifice).


6996eb655b1527d5771f2685ff2abaec03973d78x95.pngJanguresian Prime Minister, Military Commander and Advisor, 

 Yuli Ankudbah-Flaikovich Romanov

Romanov is part of the European minority, here in Jangurupureri, as he is from Russia, specifically, from Yekaterinburg, The Sverdlovsk Oblast. He is very well known around the country as a person who has severe nationalistic and imperial tendencies, and this is because of his severe history with the Russian Military and his behavior regarding very tactical topics. He served as a general in the Russian Military from 2044 to 2049, he abruptly stopped his career, as he was handed an assignment that was prosecuting human rights. Because of Romanov's severe emotionally-drived behavior, when he was supposed to execute somebody for a crime that Romanov believed this person didn't commit, it made him remember when his mother was executed for a crime that was very similar to this person's exact crime. This would cause him to allow them to be free; however, since the Russian government didn't like this, they sent out folks to find Romanov, and it was clear that Romanov couldn't ever return to his motherland. Romanov then fled to Jangurupureri in 2085, 2 months after the collapse of Kazakhstan, and 7 months after the independence of Jangurupureri. Romanov's severe emotional behavior led many in Parliament to believe that his fitting career would be to take the first ever minister job in Jangurupureri. 


Government Phone Directory Number:



We have 4 million Soldiers, 540 Billion as a GDP, 53 million people on the mainland, and the Yunnan being 47 million people on their mainland, this means that the UMRJ has roughly a population of 127.3 million people. (RP)

We have a GDP of 540 billion, We have a military size of 4 million, with 1,500,000 of these units being soldiers, 850k being tanks, 650k being airplanes, 500k artillery units, 200k aircraft carriers, and 250k being ships, 49,900 spies, and 100 of these being long-range missiles.

Jangurupureri is also currently a member for the Global Watch and a part of the OUN and is the founder of the ITCA.

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