Nation Bulletin

Greek War Stance | Leaving Indonesia | Industrial Development | etc

Grüß Gott

By Greek National News
03/18/2023 01:36 am
Updated: 03/18/2023 01:36 am

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Welcome to the Greek National News Service, now Online!

Today's articles range from the current ongoing war to the far eastern jungles of Indonesia. 


Atlas Patéras makes speech on the current situation

The new Prime Minister gave a speech about the current war.

"Dear people of Greece! Today I come to you, speaking of war and peace. I speak of success, and failure. But more importantly, I speak of the future of Europe and the Mediterranean. 

The civil war in the British Isles has been a source of great concern to me. Not only does it show the true instability and vulnerability that effects most countries on the continent, it also shows the willingness of others to take advantage of such nations, who have temporarily - or permanently - lost their ability to defend themselves. The polish state of new Ostlin- What? Sorry, I mean New Olsztyn took advantage of the defenceless position of the British government and seized their South American colonial territories. These territories consist in large parts of the Amazon rain forest, but also the strategically viable position once known as the CSG, from which the nations of old used to launch rockets into the planet's orbit. We, as a firmly anti-colonial government, strongly support this action. I would once again like to note here, that the 'New Order Plan' , with which many of our opponents have been accusing us of being pro-imperialism, was a creation of the Akhanteros administration and in no way, shape or form represent the views of the country or the people who lead it. Now, afterwards, an influx of nations declared a state of war against the polish state. Shortly afterwards nuclear weapons lit up the darkened cities of Rio de la Plata. A terrible tragedy befell the continent after the government in London decided that the best course of action to respond to the seizing of colonial territory was to murder innocent civilians in their homes, destroy families and lives and take away the nation's ability to feed itself, its people and its life stock for years. There is no way to excuse such an act against gods will. We, as a government and as human beings therefore strongly denounce the British government and cut all ties with them. We will however not support either side in this conflict, as we believe that too much blood of innocents has been shed already. There is no need to add fuel to the fire.

We - as many of you have too, I assume - have heard from he current political Chaos in the Holy Kingdom of Sanctias. We watch in great concern that the once stable country may tear itself apart, and offer a hand of stability for the government to ensure the country stays alive and well. While we are happy for the democratization of the country, we are also concerned about the more radical elements of its (and its people's) politics, which could see the country removed off the face of the earth. This, of course, would be a great tragedy, which had only seldom been seen since the great collapse. We do not wish to fight another, but to coexist.

Now, to move towards more light-hearted news, the nation, which calls itself Caoscotlia has finalized it's steps to take ownership of the Indonesian government, therefore ending the Security Mandate of the Kingdoms and establishing an official state. Greek troops took only their own possessions with them, the doctors even leaving medical supplies behind for the locals to utilize. The fleet is now on it's way home, hoping that the reconstruction of the Suez Canal will finish soon. The Kingdom of Lucraias therefore extends it's welcoming hand to Caoscotlia and congratulates it on it's new-found nation. We also wish for the nations of the world to recognize this state and the Islands belonging to it as Caoscotlian sovereign national territory. While the defence of the nation is now entirely up to itself, we will not hesitate to intervene in any threats that face the young nation. Welcome to the wonderful world of Orbis.

Lastly, I wish to welcome the Minister of Finance, Dimitris Manos. He is the man who re-established Greece as a competitor in civilian naval engineering."

Prime Minister Atlas Patéras walks off the stage. A small, round man with a fading beard, maybe in his 30s then stands where Patéras stood before.

"Thank you, mister Prime Minister. Welcome, everyone. This is a historic moment for this country, as we reveal the IAPETOS -class container ship, a cheaper alternative to most other ships while also providing more than enough space. The ship is capable of transporting 8737 tons of Cargo while going at speeds of up to 10.2 Knots. We predict that this will turn the Cargo Shipping industry on it's head, due to being cheaper than most competitors while also being able to compete quality-wise."

With that the Anthem plays and the speeches finish.


Posted March 18, 2023 at 8:43 am

I warned them. 

Posted March 18, 2023 at 1:10 pm

That doesn't excuse nuclear annihilation.
