Nation Bulletin

Citizens of Jangurupureri have now gained complete faith in the government.

On January 26th, 2086, an essay that roughly 80% of the populous states that faith in the Parliamentary and Branches of the government.

By Reporter Zhuan Shauran
03/13/2023 05:09 pm
Updated: 03/13/2023 05:10 pm

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The Context

Wu Sassiakomoto and the Parliamentary Branches of the government have been working hard to improve the nation, trying to help diplomatically allow for the cultural independence of St. Shangri-La, Pollution Problems, and even entering into their first ever alliance.

As a result of all the hard work and plans that the government and the people made, we were able to get a full satisfaction rate across the nation, proven by several essays and displays across the nation.

The next priority of the Parliament and the people is to renew the constitution to provide more cultural sovereignty and freedoms.

Wu's Colluquy

At the Palace of the Sassiakomoto Parliamentary Dynasty, I interviewed Wu on how he had reacted to such positive views around the nation. Wu said, "Well, I couldn't have done it without everyone in the nation. Everyone helps make this nation greater as they--uh, as they have significant roles in the way our nation is run. Even the economy is booming, and it wouldn't be possible without our trading allies." 


Basically, due to all the work of the people in their role in government policies, including my contributions, we have made a successful nation. P.S, just like Bhutan, we determine success by happiness, as if when somebody like me feels happy, I feel like all pieces of a gigantic jiguzzle really come together, and when I feel like all the jiguzzle pieces fit together, I feel content with my life.