Nation Bulletin

Bilancorn Policies

General Policies List:

By Chairman Lord Khaos
03/12/2023 01:55 pm
Updated: 03/08/2024 10:59 am

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Your current rating is: Liberal


Your current rating is: Right


Cannabis:Recreational Cannabis use is allowed for anyone over the age of 18. 
Mandatory Service:Military and community service is encouraged to everyone upon reaching adulthood, but not mandated. 
Capital Punishment:No form of capital punishment, including the death penalty, is legal in this country. (legal for some military crimes, but not enforced since 1946)
Secondary Education:The government will offer students some special loanswith discounted interests rate. (education is paid based on your income) 
Prohibition:The possession, consumption, distribution, and sale of alcohol is legal for adults in this country. 
Energy:The nation strongly supports alternative energy sources, and seeks to mitigate pollution. 
Assisted Suicide:Assisted suicide administered by a doctor is legal in this country. 
Same-!@#$ Marriage:Any two adults have the right to get married, regardless of their !@#$.
Unions:Employers are allowed to fire workers attempting to organize unions, unless its a government approved union. Strikes are legal if announced in advance.
Campaign Finance:The government can limit corporation, union, and individual donations to campaigns.
Speech:All citizens are granted the right to free speech by their government. 
Hard Drugs:The use of "hard" drugs is strictly illegal. (mandatory rehabilitation)
Spending:The government is not allowed to borrow money, and must always maintain a balanced budget. 
Infant Circumcision:parents have the rights to circumcise their children, if they so choose.
Immigration:The government accepts all immigrants, and grants amnesty to illegal immigrants. 
Gun Rights:Citizens are allowed to own only a limited number of rifle firearms, and no handguns (except for specific reasons such as sports or security)
Religion:The government cannot endorse any specific religion, and there is a clear separation of church and state.
Healthcare:The government provides free healthcare services for all citizens.
Polygamist Marriage:Marriage can only be between two people. Polygamy is illegal. 
Taxes:The only income tax is a flat tax at the same rate for all citizens. 
Torture:Torture is an efficient tool used by the government, used with a lot of restrictions to prevent larger death tools in cases of terrorism.
Abortion:Women are only allowed to have an abortion in situations where the woman's life is at risk, or she was violated. 
Welfare:Welfare is used only for those unable to work

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