Nation Bulletin

Luna considers withdrawal from GENDT


By President Aurelia Aquila
03/10/2023 05:51 am
Updated: 03/10/2023 05:51 am

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It's been some time since we joined the Global Economic and National Defense Treaty, and we have stood by the GENDT in plenty of times of war and peace. But now, especially after several instances of what both foreign nations and, to some extent, Lunar citizens and government members, have seen as warmongering, the nation's presence within the GENDT has been debated widely.

A motion to withdraw from the treaty is currently being debated and voted on in the Lunar Congress; this is a highly divisive argument, with some arguing it is for the best to prevent unnecessary war and to promote the development of relations with allies outside the GENDT while others argue that leaving the GENDT will result in a lack of protection from hostility and invasion, and deterioration of relations with nations within it.

President Aurelia Aquila has spoken on the subject, claiming that, although Luna may leave the treaty, alliances with certain nations, in particular those who were allied even since pre-GENDT times, will be maintained if at all possible.

"Throughout the world, the GENDT was seen as a recurrence of the old North American Defense Pact -- an alliance that we, Luna, helped found back in the day. Now, several people denied that one, since it had its differences, but in its essence the GENDT contained numerous nations who were our allies, regardless of whether they were in the NADP, allied with it or anything else in its time of existence," Aquila said in a statement on Dec. 5. "Today, we consider leaving, but not cutting those ties that we've held for some time. Although there are nations within who we do not particularly see eye to eye with, we don't want to grow hostile, and we do not leave in aggression, if we do. We leave in peace, and in friendship; it's particularly to develop our nation and our ties with the nations outside of the GENDT we've been looking to reconcile or strengthen relations with."

The motion to leave has not yet passed, as the action's controversy has caused massive debates on the subject, and people have been equally outspoken on both sides.


To members of the GENDT: sorry for leaving, and as I said, I'm not leaving in hostility; I'd certainly still be interested in maintaining friendly relations if you'd like to do that, but at this point I'd prefer not to be a formal member of the treaty for various reasons (I mentioned a few of them in there, but some are also out-of-RP and I'd prefer not to explain them at the moment).

Anyway, I apologize for the short and not great bulletin; it's almost one in the morning, and I actually have no idea what else to write...


Posted March 10, 2023 at 6:21 am

I am currently planning a GENDT bulletin about some economic and internal stuff 


If you want to leave that is fine but I think continuing our economic partnerships would be great (like passports, no tarrifs etc)

About the Deckerton Sedrosia situation I thought that because everything was getting voided nobody would care about the war but hear we are.

I want to express any wars perceived as unjustified by GENDT members from GENDT members will be condemned and pose a high risk of getting members voted out 

Posted March 10, 2023 at 8:15 am

A wise decision. Perhaps there will be an alternative soon.

Posted March 10, 2023 at 11:44 am

Never said that, Zenteka

Posted March 10, 2023 at 2:55 pm



Posted March 11, 2023 at 12:52 am

