Nation Bulletin

Contreversial peace treaty hastily formed within hours of declaring war

Public opinion is divided as a peace treaty is forged within hours of a war starting

By Anonymous Reporter
07/24/2021 07:16 pm
Updated: 07/24/2021 07:16 pm

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Within a few hours of declaring war on The Third Japanese Empire, a peace treaty has been formed, ending the war. The Pythonian Republic had launched an airstrike and fortified itself against retaliation, and The Third Japanese Empire launched a missile in response, hitting the city of Ubuntu and destroying a hospital. Within minutes of the missile hitting, The Third Japanese Empire requested a peace treaty, claiming that they raided foot land on accident, thinking they were not a member of an alliance. While the legitimacy of the claim could not be confirmed, upon confirming that foot land achieved peace with The Third Japanese Empire and checking for permission from the leader of the Atlantian Council, The Pythonian Republic forged a peace treaty with The Third Japanese Empire.

A significant number of people have opposed this treaty, and some have even labelled it as illegitimate. At the core of the outcry is the behavior of The Third Japanese Empire. According to communication records released by the government, The Third Japanese Empire was very uncivil about the whole matter, and as of now, no compensation was received for any damages by The Third Japanese Empire. Their claim that their raid was accidental is also being heavily scrutinized, as alliance membership is the first thing anyone checks when raiding. A historian's search into old war records has also confirmed that The Third Japanese Empire has attacked many alliance members in the past, and some report that it is even currently involved in another such war. Others also point to their launching of a missile before requesting peace as a sign of The Third Japanese Empire's immoral conduct.

“They targeted a hospital, for heaven's sake, a hospital, of all things! They commit a war crime and they have the nerve to request peace,” an angry protester said.

However, some are content with the peace treaty, no matter what happened behind the scenes. They claim that while The Third Japanese Empire's actions weren't legal, peace is more important, and that the damages have been paid for by the alliance.


Posted July 24, 2021 at 11:09 am

Lol,you should've claimed the attrition bounty
